Entertainment > Branded Entertainment



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With the widespread of online advertisements, people are more reluctant to most of the branded contents nowadays. Branded Entertainment is saturated and our audience is extremely mature and they need to see the value and connect with a brand in order to share the content.

Under the notable downturn in the consumer electronics sales in such competitive and cluttered environment, it makes it even tougher for a brand to be conspicuous and be the first brand that pops up in a consumer’s mind. Even Sony has a wide variety of up-to-standard inventions, consumers’ perceptions towards digital imaging equipment are still subjective which they evaluate a brand by their likeness towards a brand or a brand’s image and character. This also raises a challenge for Sony to shift its orientation from technology-focused strategies to a more consumers-oriented approach.

Even worse, in such competitive and achievement-focused society, Hong Kong consumers often feel reluctant to express their unique personal dreams openly for fear of failure. It is also commonly seen that kids in HK are taught and asked to follow the mainstream instead of walking in their own paths, which as a result to restraining them from chasing their own dreams


In 2014, Sony Electronics launched “Be Moved” brand campaign globally to reinforce its unique position as more than a technology company. The campaign tells individual stories of artists and engineers collaborated to create experiences that make you feel more.

Objective for Agency is to strengthen Sony’s unique position by creating empathy with HongKong audience. Agency helped to bring Sony’s brand platform `Be Moved` to life through the first ever media partnership with YouTube in APAC – an ideal solution due to YouTube’s superior scale and high resonance with target consumers.

Hong Kong’s young adults have been growing increasingly frustrated by feelings of social and personal stagnation. They see the widening wealth gap and a lack of future opportunities for themselves and others around them. They feel hopeless about securing a productive future and fear that the elusive "prosperity" that politicians and businesses say Hong Kong possesses, is beyond their reach. In such a competitive and achievement-focused society, they often feel inhibited and incapable of sharing their unique personal dreams.

Our “Dreams Come True” activation platform not only gave Hong Kong’s young adults a voice to express their desires but also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fullfill and share their dreams with Sony.

Agency identified influential content creators, significant fanbases Youtube vloggers to lower the barrier to entry and inspire our target by sharing their personal dreams created with Sony cameras. These co-created content videos ended with a compelling call-to-action provoking consumer participation.

By building custom audiences in Facebook and YouTube branded `Dreams Come True` destination site, Agency effectively targetted the content to the right people at the right time to maximize participation. Winners were selected through public voting and judging.

Sony then brought the winners’ dreams to life and shared them to a wider audience via our media partnership with YouTube.


Agency identified influential YouTuber as ideal partners for Sony. They shared their personal dreams and inspired consumers by revealing their own dreams through videos created with Sony cameras. These co-created content videos ended with a compelling call-to-action provoking consumer participation.

Agency orchestrated a series of brands sponsorships to bring winners' dreams to life. 13 winners’ dreams were filmed and amplified through YouTube so that everyone could share the joy of people’s dreams coming true.

One of the winners, Shirley dreams of playing basketball in California’s Staples Center since little. We provided intensive training and negotiated travel package for Shirley.


The campaign result was beyond our dreams.

More than 200 Dreamers’ (including 50 iconic YouTubers) self-produced videos were created and submitted for voting. The engagement rate was more than 5.5 times the industry average

1 out of 4 HK people (over 1.5million) engaged with our Dreamers videos.

Our influencer videos generated over 3millions views, which successfully seeded the superiority of Sony products.

Over $500,000 free media value was generated through earned media.

300% increase in consumers’ enquiries and interests in Sony’s products.

Consumers perceive Sony as a `facilitator of dreams` and life improvement.

A delighted Sony decided the dreams must not die, and decided to make more come true by extending the campaign and rolling the campaign out to other Asia-Pacific markets.


The new global Sony “Be Moved” brand campaign aims to reinforce its unique position as more than a technology company. The campaign tells individual stories of artists and engineers collaborated to create experiences that make you feel more.

Sony HongKong needed a unique way to connect with the audience. Leveraging on global campaign, Agency suggesed Sony to empower HongKong audience to realise their dreams by fullfing them with Sony through branded content.

The brand platform is brought to life through the first ever media partnership with YouTube in APAC – an ideal yet natural solution due to YouTube’s superior scale and high resonance with target.

Influential content creators, Youtube vloggers with significant fanbases were identified. They inspired target by sharing their personal dreams through videos created with Sony cameras. These co-created content videos encouraged target to share their dreams through Sony, who then brought the winners’ dreams to life. User-generated contents by target were subsequently shared on social media.

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