Media > Product & Service


LEMZ, Amsterdam / TERRE DES HOMMES / 2014


Gold Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Presentation Image
Case Film





Over 1 billion people saw the campaign. We proved that our solution is effective in stopping predators. Our petition has already gotten over half a million signatures and will be used in the coming months to pressure governments to do more. WCST is on the world agenda and governments are already taking action:

Police in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Belgium, and South Africa arrested predators based on evidence we collected. The Philippines Police announced that WCST is the country’s #1 crime. Argentina increased penalties for perpetrators of WCST. Dozens of children have been rescued in the Philippines.


We created Sweetie, a 3D interactive model to catch predators. After we identified 1,000 predators in 71 countries, we began massive international PR campaign to pressure governments to act. Because we had no media budget, the campaign was fueled by content on our YouTube channel. Our viral video's call-to-action asked viewers to sign a petition demanding that governments take action against online WCST. The petition has already generated half a million signatures will be presented to all governments in the coming months.

The campaign film raised awareness through social media, the press conference earned free coverage in online and traditional news outlets around the world, and the petition is pressuring governments to act.

Before the press conference, we invited TV reporters from the BBC, Associated Press, and Al Jazeera to write stories with interviews of key people involved in the campaign, ensuring in-depth coverage as soon as the story broke.


Communications objectives:

Raise global awareness about Webcam Child Sex Tourism (WCST), and pressure governments to take action to stop predators engaging in WCST.

Target audience and relationship with brand:

Citizens and politicians everywhere, most of whom had never heard of Terre des Hommes.


Before this campaign, only 6 predators worldwide had been convicted for WCST, despite the fact that WCST happens tens of thousands of times each day. There was no political pressure in wealthy countries to fight this abuse of children in poor countries.


We went online and identified 1,000 predators from 71 countries whom we caught trying to pay for WCST. Then we released a shareable YouTube video about our project and we held an international press conference where we showed our video and handed over the identities of the 1,000 predators to Interpol. This earned front-page headlines on traditional and online media on all continents.

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