Outdoor > Culture & Context


404, Sao Paulo / NETFLIX / 2024

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Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

In the entertainment industry, billboards are typically used for awareness, featuring global key arts. However, this time, we used the billboard as an engagement piece. We unveiled a national prank that was trending on social media.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Often, the most desired jewels aren't found in museums, stores, or safes, but are worn by MCs. In this piece, we capitalized on Brazil's biggest event of the year: Neymar's Cruise.

This event invited all the prominent MCs (artists adept at attracting press coverage and public attention) and of course, all their jewelry would be together - Just as it occurs in Berlin's plan in season 01.


Netflix was launching "Berlin S01" in Brazil during the busiest media context - between Christmas and New Year's Eve. When attention is divided into parties, fireworks, travels and more. We needed to capture year-end attention to encourage people to watch the show.

We teamed up with famous MCs for a prank at Neymar's Cruise event. The MCs 'lost' their jewelry, sparking fan theories about a heist, which trended online. Later, the 'stolen' jewelry appeared in Berlin's key arts, replacing traditional billboards.

Describe the Impact:

Berlin debuted right at number 1 on Netflix Brazil. The prank generated 1.8 billion organic impressions, more than 2.3 million interactions (98% positive sentiment) and earned $2.4MM in media. Our partners in crime (the MCs) gained more than 8 million followers on social networks.

4x benchmark for organic impressions.

6x benchmark for social networks

Trending Topic on X

#1 Trending on Netflix Brazil

We amplified the impact of the OOH campaign by 18 times through earned media impressions.

Please tell us about the humour insight that inspired the work.

As Berlin often says, "A good plan should always include a dash of fun."

We discovered that the most famous jewels of Brazil would be on a highly-discussed cruise (Neymar's Cruise) , which, coincidentally or not, was happening on the same day as the series release. The perfect stage for a fake heist, we thought - don't you?

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