Film > Culture & Context




Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Film?

We crafted a film shedding light on Mexican journalists' reality, sparking societal reflection. It served as a call for justice, echoing the plight of figures like Moisés Sánchez. Over the past six years, the normalization of journalists' deaths, often linked to organized crime, has haunted the nation. Our film humanized this issue, rallying support for overdue justice. It became a platform to advocate for journalistic integrity, gathering signatures to reopen Moisés' case. Through various screens, we amplified a collective demand for accountability, transcending mere storytelling to enact change.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Mexico is a country where violence and the disappearance of journalists has been normalized and with the actual President, they are even pointed out as part of a strategy to misinform society, also the state of Veracruz where Moisés Sánchez is from is the one with the most cases in the entire country.

Unfortunately the story of Moises is not unique, it is a story that repeats itself over and over again. The film is changing and humanizing a problem that Mexican society was normalizing and even judging, thinking that many journalists have links with the narco or organized crime, this is the farthest thing from reality.

By showing Moises' story, the newspaper La Union and Artículo 19 are succeeding in vindicating the journalist's position in society, showing not only his family but also the passion he had for the newspaper, a passion that forced him to have a second job in order to print, publish and distribute the newspaper. By showing Moises' passion for his journalism we are vindicating all journalists of a nation.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film tells the story of Moisés, a cab driver from Medellín de Bravo in Veracruz, Mexico, who tells us a little about his life, from the place where he eats to seeing his family and his wife. One day, Moisés was kidnapped by organized crime.

On the next scene we reveal that Moisés was also a passionate journalist. Moisés was the director of “Diario la Unión”, a newspaper that he wrote and distributed with the money he made from working with his taxi. The film ends with and amazing and emotional plot twist: the government made everyone believe that a journalist had only been kidnapped, when the reality was that a journalist was killed.

At the end we see real photos of Moisés, the news, and the petition to demand justice for him and hundreds of journalists who have died in impunity. Unfortunately, this is a true story.


SITUATION: More journalists are killed in Mexico than in the Ukrainian war; most of these murders remain unpunished.

Since Lopéz Obrador became president of Mexico, 37 journalists have been murdered in the country, a figure that has caused alarm, as it is the highest since 2000, the year in which Article 19 began registering these murders (Article19, Mexico).

BRIEFLY: On January 2, a group of armed men entered the home of Moisés Sánchez Cerezo, editor of the Medellín de Bravo newspaper “La Union”. They dragged him from his bed and took him away. 22 days later, his mutilated body was found. The reason: In addition to being a cab driver, he was also the director of the aforementioned newspaper.

OBJECTIVES: Through a film we will raise our voice to create a petition so that the case of Moisés does not go unpunished.

Describe the Impact:

IMPACT: 35,502,864 de impressions / impact.

REACH: 1,112,230

ENGAGEMENT: The average page reproduction rate increased by 511%.


CHANGE IN BEHAVIOUR: In the first week thousands of people signed the petition, shared the film, and learned about Moisés' story, changing the thinking that many journalists are killed because of links to organized crime and the narco, to realizing that they are killed by the state.

BRAND PERCEPTION: Article 19 is making people and the government realize that this problem is reaching war-like statistics, Article 19 is also succeeding in humanizing the problem of the murder of journalists, a problem that Mexican society was normalizing.

ACHIEVEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO OBJECTIVES: We managed to collect thousands of signatures to reopen the case and bring justice to Moisés Sanchéz.

We generated awareness about Moisés' case and those of hundreds of journalists who remain unpunished in Mexico.

Please comment on how the brand resonated with a specific target audience in a single locality or market.

The newspaper La Unión is a well-known newspaper in the state of Veracruz. The campaign began with great force in that state and became nationally impactful thanks to the combined efforts with Article 19. Today the case of Moisés Sánchez, director of the La Unión de Veracruz newspaper is having a national impact and gathering signatures to reopen their case and seek justice.

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