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Why is this work relevant for Direct?

The Most Beautiful Sound was featured at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual convention, the largest organization representing physicians of all oncology subspecialties. We had an opportunity to directly showcase work at the 2023 ASCO convention in front of 35,000 oncologists. Additionally, The Most Beautiful Sound was a cover story for ASCO’s Conquer patient support magazine and its 1,000,000+ readers.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The most important cultural context is the universality of cancer as a common enemy. Across borders, race, ethnicity, age, or any other socioeconomic or cultural demographic, we all know how devastating cancer is to patients, caregivers, and the wider healthcare system. We partnered with our client, The American Society of Clinical Oncology, the world’s largest network of cancer specialists, because they are dedicated to improving outcomes in cancer care.


Our brief for The American Society of Clinical Oncology 2023 conference was traditional work for a doctor audience. We had a bigger idea based on a powerful insight: Each day in the US, 5,250 people hear “you have cancer.” A diagnosis often leads to clinical stress, low immune response, and inability to fight cancer. With psychoneuroimmunology, the study of the mind on health and disease, we knew we could boost patient resiliency and outcomes. Joined by Harvard Medical School, Cancer Dojo, and Berklee School of Music, we aimed for something never done before: capture and sonify sounds of cancer cells dying, and turn that into a form of supportive therapy for people battling cancer.

Describe the creative idea

With our client the American Society of Clinical Oncology, we had an opportunity to showcase creative at the 2023 ASCO conference. While the brief called for traditional creative deliverables, we had a much bigger, groundbreaking idea.

We started with the insight that every day in the US, 5,250 people hear the words, “you have cancer.” Scientific studies have shown that the diagnosis itself can lead to clinical stress, weakening of immune responses, and the inability to fight back against cancer.

We knew that by leveraging the power of psychoneuroimmunology, or the study of the mind on health and disease, we could increase resiliency for patients and enable more positive outcomes for them.

Through partnerships with Harvard Medical School, Cancer Dojo, and Berklee School of Music, we set out to do something never done before: harness the sounds of cancer dying at the cellular level and capture sounds filled with meaning.

Describe the strategy

Our target audience was oncologists at ASCO and cancer patients. However, because The Most Beautiful Sound is an open-sourced sound therapy, everyone from hospitals, universities, patients, and caregivers can hear this audio experience.

Partnering with Harvard Medical School in a 2-year, scientifically validated study, we isolated cells from multiple types of cancer at the precise moment of apoptosis. Because there’s motion and vibration within all cells, including those with cancer, we used a microscopy technique known as stimulated Raman scattering to image the microscopic details of cells and tissue via their inherit molecular vibrations. This allowed us to map chemicals across space and time in cells and follow cell growth and death. This data and the inherit frequencies of the cells were translated into high fidelity sound and shared with patients, becoming the most beautiful sound they’ve ever heard – cancer cells dying.

Describe the execution

After examining thousands of cancer molecules and collecting millions of data points, the data from the 7 most prolific cancer cell lines were measured and sonified into high fidelity sounds. For the first time, we turned abstract cellular sounds into something tangible to empower patients.

In collaboration with the Berklee School of Music and Cancer Dojo, The Most Beautiful Sound was brought to patients everywhere through a pilot sound therapy program.

Along with Clinical Nurse Specialists and leading oncologists, we gave the sound away as an open-sourced therapy to hospitals, universities, patients, and caregivers. It is also available on the Cancer Dojo app. The Most Beautiful Sound also launched with a website, radio ad, film, and had a major presence at the 2023 ASCO convention, attended by over 35,000 oncologists. And in December 2023, it was a cover story for ASCO’s Conquer patient support magazine and its 1,000,000 plus readership.

List the results

The Most Beautiful Sound dramatically altered the public perception of The American Society of Clinical Oncology. Prior to our project, they were known as the leading clinical U.S. organization in oncology but were not known for producing high-impact, culturally relevant work. By reaching 35,000 oncologists at the 2023 ASCO Convention, we were able to radically change brand perception. Now, they are seen as not only a clinically driven organization, but one that can connect with its audience on a deeply emotional level.

This was further emphasized on, where patients, caregivers, and medical institutions could access the open-source sound files to incorporate a new type of therapy into the care paradigm – the sound of cancer cells dying.

Additionally, we reached the 1,000,000+ readers of ASCO’s Conquer magazine, where our project was the cover story in December 2023.

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