Film > Culture & Context


OGILVY, New York / POWERADE / 2024


Silver Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Film?

From the film’s engaging point of view to the captivating story being told, the work showcases the power of resilience and determination through the moving image, capturing Simone Biles' journey back to the mat with emotional depth and authenticity. The film's seamless blend of found footage, pundit commentary, online conversation, and poignant memories offers a multi-dimensional viewing experience, amplifying its impact.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

We live in a world that glorifies hustle. Pushing yourself to the limit. Grinding at all costs until you reach success. Those same rules reign in the world of sport. Professional athletes — especially Olympians — are perceived as titans of sport and gods of athletic performance.

But this betrays a reality too often forgotten: They’re still human.

The ongoing damage of our “win-at-all-costs” mindset has finally come into focus. From gold medalists to Grand Slam champions, there’s been a rising cultural awareness of the importance of taking a pause in order to come back stronger.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

Simone Biles takes a deep breath and silences the noise of the critics to perform the same movement that gave her "The Twisties" and caused her to withdraw from the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

As she twists in the air in slow motion, she watches her own trajectory from that moment until her return to the Paris 2024 Olympics. The camera movement in each scene mimics Simone's movement in mid-air.

We see her at her lowest; we see her finding solace with her family and loved ones; we watch her return to training, finding strength in her younger self and her fundamental love for the sport. We witness Simone astonishing the world once again and inspiring younger generations. Simone then lands on the training mat and goes for another attempt, delivering the brand's final message: Pause is Power.

The Voice-Over is composed of real snippets from Simone's interviews and statements.


During the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, Simone Biles — considered the greatest gymnast of all time — shocked the world when she withdrew from competition. Simone was held up as a symbol of gymnastic perfection, and the pressure she felt — from the world and herself — was too heavy a burden. She needed to take a pause and get her head right.

But instead of support, she was condemned as weak, unpatriotic, and damaging to her team.

Yet, this moment of vulnerability revealed a deeper strength: the courage to prioritize mental health over medals, setting a powerful example for athletes and spectators alike. And the wait was worthwhile. Because when Simone returned to competition in 2023, she came back stronger than ever.

Powerade stood by her side when few others did, recognizing that Pause Is Power. Simply put, together with Simone, we wanted to prove that the haters were wrong.

Describe the Impact:

Within the first week of launch and one Instagram post, Powerade organically reached over 266,000 people (over double the accounts following), increased average engagement by over 3325%, and received 100% positive sentiment. Powerade garnered a watch time of over 1,000 hours across Instagram and Youtube posts, along with over 125M earned impressions across traditional and social media channels.

Powerade’s comment sections have been flooded with people praising the brand for its “incredible work,” saying that it is going “so viral everywhere” and “a POWERful commercial”. There has also been tremendous amplification from notable voices including Simone’s training gym, her husband Jonathan Owens, USA Gymnastics, and top activism pages including Black Mental Wellness and Because of Them. With the goal of advancing mental health dialogue in sports, this campaign has 10-times exceeded previous brand initiatives and continues to be a safe space for important conversations about mental health.

Please tell us about the social behaviour and cultural insight that inspired the work.

The sports world has put winning above all else and by any means necessary. Hustle hard. Rise and grind. Push harder. Believing that impossible is nothing is how you put another W on the board.

Simone Biles’ courageous decision to take a pause from competition helped spur a much needed conversation about mental health in sports, and more broadly in society. Once celebrated for her wins (then attacked for stepping back), she’s now being celebrated for simply being human. But what has been especially inspiring has been her powerful comeback — proving the haters wrong, and in the process, that pause IS power.

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