Glass: The Lion For Change > Glass: The Lion for Change


OGILVY, Singapore / UNILEVER / 2024


Grand Prix Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Glass: The Lion for Change?

Thailand's commendable social inclusion of transgender women is visible at all levels of society: they are doctors, politicians, teachers, influencers and more. Yet, even here, they face significant issues. The Transition Body Lotion tackles inclusivity in beauty, making it a powerful force for change. Creating a product specifically for them is important as it recognizes their identity and makes the transgender women's community feel seen. The launch itself mirrored the inclusive development process, with a community-driven approach. This groundbreaking initiative pushes boundaries and celebrates progress, perfectly aligning with the spirit of recognition and change.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Thailand's unique cultural landscape creates the perfect stage for Vaseline's innovative Transition Body Lotion. While transgender women are remarkably visible in Thai society, holding prominent positions like doctors and politicians, legal hurdles remain. This social inclusion with a lack of concrete support presents an opportunity. Culturally, transgender individuals often begin transitioning young, around 11 years old, leading to specific skin issues due to hormonal imbalance that existing products haven't addressed. Vaseline, the world's leading skincare expert and Thailand's number one brand, is uniquely positioned to bridge this gap. Recognizing the unmet needs of the transgender community aligns perfectly with their mission of healthy skin for everyone. Moreover, despite Thailand's progressive stance, major brands haven't catered specifically to transgender needs.


Vaseline believes healthy skin is a right for all, regardless of age, ethnicity, or gender identity. Recognizing a gap in gender equality within healthcare, the agency identified a crucial need: a skincare product specifically designed for transgender women during hormone therapy. Traditional beauty products often fail to address their unique challenges. So, instead of another brand campaign, the solution came in the form of a new product that tackles these skin issues and accelerates inclusion. This first-of-its-kind skincare product empowers transgender women to achieve healthy skin and express themselves authentically. This isn't just about a product; it's a step towards a more inclusive beauty landscape, aligning perfectly with Vaseline's mission and fostering true gender equality.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate around gender representation and the significance of the work within this context

Thailand boasts a vibrant transgender community, yet legal hurdles and limited access to specific healthcare needs remain. Media regulations often restrict open discussions on LGBTQ+ issues. Vaseline's Transition Body Lotion, co-created with the community, disrupts this landscape. It's the first of its kind globally, addressing a gap in healthcare while promoting gender equality. By tackling a previously overlooked need, Vaseline fosters empowerment within the transgender community. This innovative product positions the brand as a leader in progressive social change and responsible business practices.

Describe the creative idea

Instead of a traditional campaign, there was the opportunity for something more concrete. Transgender women experience unique skin challenges during hormone therapy. So the agency proposed a groundbreaking solution: the world's first clinically proven skincare product for transgender women, co-created with the community. Tailored for their specific needs, the Transition Body Lotion tackles dryness, dullness, and hyperpigmentation. This industry-first, clinically-proven skincare product tackles the specific needs of transgender women with patented Unilever Technology. Among those, Isoflavones, a plant-based oestrogen that had never been used in the category and helps regulate the hormonal imbalance derived from gender-affirming therapy. The product is a new addition to Vaseline's high-end Pro Derma line, showcasing real action. Unilever is already planning international expansion, and conversations with transgender men have begun to explore their unique needs for a product made with and for them.

Describe the strategy

The Transition Body Lotion is the result of a 2-year co-creation journey with transgender women. We started by listening to them in focus groups, interviews and surveys so we could understand their skin struggles during transition and how a skincare product could empower their journey. Next, market research filled the gap by analysing existing products and buying habits. Since nothing catered specifically to their needs, we learned their current routines to identify what was missing. This collaborative process, involving dermatologists and gender-affirmation specialists, culminated in the world's first clinically-proven body lotion specifically formulated for transgender women.

Describe the execution

The Transition Body Lotion's journey took two years, from the first agency meeting where the concept was presented to its launch in Thailand, on International Transgender Day of Visibility. After Vaseline approved the concept, a co-creation process began. Focus groups with transgender women informed the needs assessment, alongside consultations with gender reassignment specialists and dermatologists. Unilever R&D spent months crafting the formula: researching ingredients, testing prototypes, and refining the fragrance – all with ongoing feedback from transgender women. Simultaneously, the agency built a targeted campaign: TVCs, online videos, print ads, and social media posts resonated directly with the transgender community. Today, the lotion is permanently available in all 670 Watson stores across Thailand, showcasing the impact at scale.

Describe the results/impact

The Transition Body Lotion resonated deeply with the transgender community. It was launched on International Transgender Day of Visibility and made available at Watsons, a major Southeast Asian drugstore chain with online presence. As a result, social media buzzed with 100% positive sentiment. Transgender women felt seen and appreciated a product addressing their specific needs. This sparked a behavioural shift. Previously, finding effective skincare meant trial and error with men's and women's products. Now, transgender women have a clinically-proven lotion developed with their input, boosting confidence. The campaign garnered 158 million impressions in Thailand alone, and the lotion quickly sold out in many of the 670 Watsons stores. Purchase intent skyrocketed 725% above the benchmark, solidifying Vaseline's commitment to healthy skin for everyone. This success story goes beyond sales - it's about inclusivity and community empowerment, further strengthening Vaseline's purpose.

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

Unlike many brands that only show up during Pride Month and either change the colours or add a rainbow flag to their existing products, we inaugurated a new skincare category with a product specifically made with and for transgender women. Developed in tandem with the community, it tackles a healthcare gap and empowers them to express themselves authentically. The success in Thailand paves the way for international expansion. Unilever is already in talks with transgender men to explore a similar solution, but only a product meeting Vaseline's efficacy standards will join the Pro Derma family. This commitment to inclusivity and clinically-proven innovation defines Vaseline as a leader in progressive beauty.

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