Film > Culture & Context


SC JOHNSON, Racine / SC JOHNSON / 2024

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Case Film
Supporting Content
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Why is this work relevant for Film?

SC Johnson is dedicated to the elimination of malaria, yet of course cannot do it alone.

They needed to get the attention of key politicians, policymakers, NGOs and charities to galvanize them to help in their fight against this disease.

Rather than present them with the same stats, charts, and figures, they decided instead to create a short documentary. An emotionally engaging story, highlighting an incredible innovation with the power to prevent a huge number of deaths: SC Johnson Guardian™. This affecting film was used to energize partners to help fund the development and distribution of this life saving intervention.

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The fight to end malaria has taken yet another turn. After decades of progress, increased insecticide resistance and rising temperatures are making malaria worse. Today, malaria cases and deaths are back on the rise.

Malaria is an entirely preventable disease. Yet, if you live in Africa’s rural communities, it is part of life and one of the leading causes of death. Most people will be infected several times a year, if they are lucky they will get treatment and survive. Many, despite the best efforts of local doctors, will not.

Malaria has been killing people in this part of the world for hundreds of years. The disease needs an affordable, effective intervention solution to be made universally available and distributed to remote populations where infection is rife. Without this, people are still plagued by malaria. Without this, people are still dying.

Guardian™ is a highly effective solution, yet it needs a WHO policy recommendation as an official public health intervention in order to reach the millions of people who are most vulnerable.

This film was created by SC Johnson to show a select audience with the power to affect policy change, or deliver the funding necessary to help them distribute Guardian™ as widely as possible in the interim between now and WHO approval. Getting Guardian™ into schools, health centers and, ultimately, homes would save countless lives.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The documentary shows the impact of malaria on ordinary families in Africa and the devastating effect it has on the health of rural communities.

The film demonstrates the challenges faced by those involved in the fight against malaria: the distribution challenges and the lack of resources and a consistent, long-term preventative to protect the vulnerable from mosquito bites.

Viewers follow the development, testing and trial of Guardian™ - a spatial mosquito repellent that can protect a family for an entire year. This life-saving innovation can reduce instances of mosquito bites by 91%.

The film highlights how, despite the efficacy of Guardian™, real impact can only come if the WHO approves it as an official policy recommendation for public health intervention. This is where the real hope lies; as a not-for-profit product widely distributed at no cost to millions of people.


Malaria is one of the world’s deadliest diseases. It kills a child under the age of 5 every minute, and over 600,000 people every year. This is a reality that SC Johnson is working hard to change, and has been through their continuous involvement and pioneering work in the fight against mosquito borne disease for over 60 years.

SC Johnson needed to raise awareness of the creation of Guardian™ - a first-of-its-kind, low-cost, fit-and-forget mosquito spatial repellent - which represents a significant step towards the elimination of malaria. A single sheet provides an entire household protection from mosquitoes for 12 months, which can reduce instances of mosquito bites by 91%.

Guardian™ is awaiting WHO policy recommendation approval - but this takes time. Time people in malaria-stricken communities don’t have. Until approval is secured, SCJ’s objective is simple: to get as many Guardians™ into at-risk communities as quickly as possible.

Describe the Impact:

The film was shared via individual in 1-1 screenings - delivered by SCJ leadership to a select audience of policymakers, partners, public health leaders and SC Johnson family shareholders. A highly targeted paid social campaign on Meta and LinkedIn aimed at senior leaders in public health and policy in DC, New York, Brussels, Nairobi, London, and Geneva, created and galvanized a family of partners to distribute Guardian™ while awaiting WHO approval.

1M+ people protected by Guardian™ & Mosquito Shield™ to date

$30 Million committed funding (USD) by SC Johnson for spatial repellent production in Kenya

147 Congressional offices visited

3.7 pt increase in brand lift percent (compared to 1.1 benchmark) from key public health and policymaker audience

119k new individual Meta users, from key public health and policy maker audience, with a favorable view of SCJ

Please tell us how the brand purpose inspired the work

SC Johnson is a family company at work for a better world. As a private company, they answer to consumers, not Wall Street. The members of the SC Johnson family feel a personal commitment to creating a healthier, better world for generations to come. Their autonomy allows them to dedicate a portion of their profits to purpose driven work, such as fighting malaria.

Decades of fighting this disease, manufacturing repellents, dedicating funds, lobbying public health and policymaking officials has led to the creation of Guardian™.

SC Johnson is committed to the local manufacturing, widespread distribution and sustainable implementation of this life-saving, not-for-profit innovation and isn’t waiting for the WHO approval to provide at no cost to vulnerable people in affected regions.

They are doing everything in their power to get as many Guardians™ out into the world, to protect vulnerable people from infection.

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