Film > TV / Cinema Film: Sectors
APPLE TV+, Culver City / APPLE TV+ / 2021
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Being new to the competitive original content and streaming landscape, we developed a multi-show trailer that distilled the essence of the Apple TV+ brand into an emotionally stirring 2 minute piece. Our goal was to produce an emotional and inspirational piece that showcased the breadth of who we are as a streaming service, the star power and what makes us uniquely Apple TV+. From the opening Jack Kerouac quote to the final line of dialogue from Dickinson, we framed our narrative around characters who are “mad to live” and take risks.
Cultural / Context information for the jury
An extraordinary brand demands a unified voice. Our goal was to drive awareness to the quality and quantity of original programming the Apple TV+ service has to offer, while also retaining existing subscribers. Not only did the trailer need to showcase the breadth of our content, but it had to do it the Apple way.
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