Cannes Lions


GREY PARIS, Paris / MK2 / 2009

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This unexpected PR collaboration involved 3 important players of the entertainment business:MK2 (one of the largest cinema chains in France), WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER (MICROSOFT) and UNIVERSAL PICTURES.MK2 was the driver of this idea:In the cinemas, during the screening of the Fast and Furious 4 trailer a big MSN Messenger window appears on the screen and we realize that a girl is sending a live message to her boyfriend.At this point, the cinema screen turns into an extra large desktop of a PC.The boyfriend is...the projectionist that has a hard time answering to his girlfriend because he is working and at that precise moment he is screening the trailers.The audience (and the journalists) witness a very private MSN conversation screened by mistake on the big cinema screen.The dialogue is very funny and at the end we go back to the trailer just in time to watch the end and read the text of a last window:MK2VOD.COM - YOUR COMPUTER AND CINEMA BECOME ONE.The campaign resulted in a 25% growth in traffic on, “Fast And Furious 4” reached number 1 at the French Box Office, more than 200 bloggers worldwide relayed the campaign, and there was extensive coverage in French national magazines and on national TV channels like NRJ and Canal Plus.


4th and 5th of April:VIP preview invitation for influent bloggers to see the operation in one movie theatre in Paris.6th of April:Press Kit sent to all the “VIP journalists” (most influential) with two preview invitation/press release/DVD with the video case.7th of April:Press release to all the other journalists with the URL link to see the film footage of the exclusive trailer.


25% growth in traffic on“Fast And Furious 4” reached number 1 at the French Box Office.More than 200 bloggers worldwide relayed the campaign.Extensive coverage in French national magazines and on national TV channels like NRJ and Canal Plus.

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What you say, means a lot


What you say, means a lot


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