Cannes Lions



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Case Film






Many sports have similar skills and techniques that are required to compete, even though the sports themselves might be starkly different. Besides skills and techniques, the rules, movements, personalities of the athletes and the history of each sport can make two sports from different parts of the world remarkably similar. Doppelgängers is a series that explores such dualities in sports from a regional and global standpoint.

The series takes a Red Bull athlete, who is typically an expert at the international stage, and an athlete from India who is an expert in his or her own right at a sport which has strong cultural roots and get these two athletes to interact with one another. Through the course of the series, the viewers will not only explore certain similarities and understand the complexities and uniqueness of each sport but also learn the sacrifices and passions of the athletes themselves.


We first had to do an in depth study on sports that looked visually similar or had some movements, rules or actions that matched. After going through a variety of sports and its variations we had to match them to an Indian sport or tradition. We also had to find athletes who had interesting backgrounds and stories, scout for locations that were conducive for both sports and identify Red Bull athletes that we could bring down to India to feature in this series.

Eventually, the team travelled the entire length of the country, exploring the boulders of Badami, the fields of Bilaspur, the backwaters of Calicut and the urban landscapes of Mumbai, always with a fairly lean crew, over a total of twelve shoot days spread out over seven months in search for the best way to capture these three films.


On social platforms, the campaign had a cumulative reach of over 6.1million, with over 1.68mn cumulative views across FB, Instagram and Twitter. The episodes generated over 850,000 social engagements. The series premiered on Red Bull TV where it is the #1 viewed series in India in the past six months. From the brand's perspective the campaign did extremely well achieving their internal goals and objectives and even sparking conversations for a second season.

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