
Logo Switch

ÅKESTAM HOLST, Stockholm / AUDI / 2017

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Presentation Image
Case Film






High willingness to pay is critical for Audi to drive sales and fight off the competition from all other car brands in Sweden. But in Sweden, the car market doesn’t work as the rest of Europe. Its geographical location defines both cultural requisites as well as functional benefits and demands for a car. In Sweden it’s winter pretty much 8 months per year. Being perceived as a good car for the winter and for Swedish conditions correlates with price premium (willingness to pay) and sales. Hence; driving sales within that area is crucial for the brand to create long-term sales.

The brief was therefore to use the biggest alpine event of the year and activate the sponsorship to get people to connect Audi with winter and alpine racing.


We produced a custom made racing suit 6 month prior to the World Ski Championship where we replaced Audi’s logo with the secret license plate number. This suit was kept secret, even the skier who would wear it during a race didn’t know what the number was.

We then launched the competition Audi Logo Switch on the same day as the opening ceremony of the championship. We ran TV ads, online videos and posts on social media. During the 13 day long championship we kept the conversation going on social media by providing clues of when the secret license plate number might appear.

This created a huge interest and people kept looking on Audi’s logo during all the races as they were searching for the number. We kept the interest by waiting until the second last day before the number appeared on a skier’s arm during the live broadcast.

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