Cannes Lions

My Dream Companion


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Case Film






According to WHO, the estimated number of the visually disabled people in the world is up to 285 million. Every single visually disabled individual should have the opportunity to go each cinema without any extra equipment regardless of the fact that they live in a developing or a developed country. Moreover, these cinemas should not be built especially for those visually disabled people, instead of isolating them from the society, those cinemas should provide social inclusion for them. Turkcell My Dream Companion service developed by Turkcell and YGA for visually disabled provides audio description over a mobile application for the first time in the world without requiring any unnecessary investment or extra equipment or software. This technology recognizes the parts in the film that the dialogue stops, and gets automatically starts an audio description synchronized with the film.


wireless headphones system for audio description used in the some developed countries is not affordable and feasible, could not be applied in Turkey and is a difficult method even in the countries where it is available, because it is not easy to provide in all theaters. With the Turkcell My Dream Companion, it was sufficient just to place the audio descriptions of films in the application for all theaters. That is why, it is easy to scale up globally

the service can also be provided for films, DVDs or television programs with the audio description application. Also in the very near future the audio descriptions of films that were in cinemas in the past and classics will be added to the mobile application so that such films that could not be enjoyed before due to lack of technology can be presented to visually disabled people with the audio description application.


My Dream Companion audio description application achieved a daily member gain of 40% trend after its launch. Now, ?t has more than 150.000 users. Also after the launch of the audio description application the number of distinct users for the application increased triple fold to achieve the most active use rate in history. An increase of 23% was observed in the daily number of application downloads after the launch of the audio description application.

In the satisfaction survey presented to visually disabled people who participated in the launch My Dream Companion Mobile Audio Description feature was rewarded with 4.5 points out of 5 by users. In addition to this interest that users showed in the service, the MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35, forbes 30 under 30 and GSMA awards were won by My Dream Companion.

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