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OPPO Magical New Year Integrated Communication Campaign


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In the winter of 2018, OPPO launched R17 Series New Year Edition that was co-designed with Gucci’s illustrator Ignasi Monreal. OPPO created a Magical New Year to promote this product communicate to young consumers.


Cooperate with artist: We invited Gucci’s illustrator Ignasi Monreal to redesign Chinese New Year paintings.

Hold a unique launch event: We originally combined fashion show and smartphone launch events.

Specialize social media ads: As social media can reach massive audience in a short time, we specialized different ads on the top two Chinese social media.


We created a special New Year to communicate to young consumers by redefining the three elements of New Year: the concept, the blessing and the party.


Rebuild The New Year Concept

We cooperated with Gucci’s illustrator Ignasi Monreal to redesign Chinese New Year paintings, phone appearance and derivatives with magical realism style and held a Magical Releasing Show which invited Yifeng Li, Emma Dumont and other top fashion KOLs.

Send Blessings in An Innovative Way

In this campaign, tailored New Year blessings were sent out to users from multi-platforms to interact with target audiences. We launched a multi-material advertising campaign on Chinese social media WeChat, a POP-UP H5 blessing card in OPPO OS Community which triggered by scanning the word “New Year” with OPPO’s AI screen reading feature, and Magical Like Effect on Chinese social media Weibo.

Maximize the New Year Atmosphere

We sponsored Weibo’s grand award ceremony pushed the campaign to its climax. Attending celebrities endorsed R17 Series New Year Edition and sent out their new year blessings.


OPPO has successfully presented an aesthetic and innovative Chinese New Year with a different approach. The two events have achieved 57 million unique video views. The WeChat ad has reached about 100 million young people in modern cities. The entire campaign has earned tremendous coverage from news media and fashion KOLs.

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