Cannes Lions

Recycling Retarget


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O Boticário is Brazil's leading beauty brand.

Our objective was to engage our target in the brand's recycling initiative, which has more than 10,000 recycling points spread across Brazil.

But how could we grab the target's attention with yet another campaign telling them to recycle?


“Recycling Retargeting” transformed retargeting, an online commerce tool that’s always been used to encourage purchases, into a tool to encourage recycling.

More than changing a call to action, the idea involved rethinking the consumer journey.

First, we mapped out the most searched-for and best-selling Boticário products and their average lifecycle.

Then, we created customized retargeting ads for users who searched for and bought each product, impacting them at the end of the product’s estimated lifecycle. Not with an invitation to buy a new one: with an invitation to recycle the packaging of the one that ran out

By clicking on one of those ads, the consumer was redirected, using geolocation, to Boticário’s nearest recycling point, out of the more than 10,000 across Brazil.

And our competitors weren’t left out either: we created retargeting ads inviting even those who searched for and bought their products to recycle at our recycling points.


One of the reasons why retargeting ads grab attention is that they leverage the consumer's existing interest in a particular product. An interest proven by the fact that the consumer has previously researched or clicked on that very product.

So, what if we took advantage of that, using that interest in a particular product, to draw attention and generate engagement for Boticário's recycling program?

That was our strategy. Creating retargeting ads featuring Boticário products that we knew users had interest in: products they researched.

Our plan was basically the same used for Boticário's conventional retargeting but customized to impact users after the purchase, at the end of the product’s estimated lifecycle.

The message, also customized, made it clear: not only we knew the user had purchased that product but also that it was running out, with a call to action inviting the user to recycle at our closest recycling point.


Our campaign aired on various major news and entertainment websites such as,,, and to mention a few. Plus Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and thousands of other sites from the Google inventory.

The campaign aired for the first time on the 13th of December 2023 and finished its last flight on 9th of April 2024.


In less than 6 months on air, our campaign:

• Had a 92% click-through rate1, O Boticário’s all-time brand record.

• Created an engagement rate 136% higher2 than previous O Boticário recycling initiative’s campaigns. Also an all-time brand record.

• Contributed to generating an unprecedented traffic to our recycling points, helping O Boticário’s recycling initiative to recycle a total of 91.7 tons of packaging3 during the period.

• Helped to establish O Boticário as the 3rd Most Sustainable Beauty Company in the World4.

1, 2, 3. Source: O Boticário Internal Data

4. Source: Dow Jones Sustainability Index

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