Cannes Lions

Soothes any number of sore throats


Demo Film
Supporting Images
MP3 Original Language






While our competitors focussed only on the sore throats you got in winter when you are on your deathbed – Soothers found their white space by soothing every other type of sore throat. Whether it was a sore throat you got from a karaoke marathon or a sore throat from imitating Chewbacca or a sore throat from screaming like a girl at a Justin Bieber concert…we soothed them all.

‘Soothers soothes any number of sore throats’ turned every sore throat into a creative goldmine.


We wanted to be relevant for the everyday sore throat you can get, well, every day. So to prove this, we created many different executions that were responsive to different events, news stories, and days on the calendar.

Meaning many of them ran for 1 day only!

Narrated by the charismatic voice of Tom Baker (Dr Who and Little Britain), each script painted a story of the various sore throat causes. Whether you got your sore throat from screaming too much for Justin Bieber, or overdoing the Chewbacca impersonations, yelling your lungs out at the football or even having too many red wines on a Saturday night.

Finally, rather than fighting the dreaded disclaimer that can often be 1/3 length of a radio spot, we integrated it into our story and delivered it with wit and humour helping to make our ads pleasant to listen to all the way through.


Despite Soothers losing 30% of its distribution footprint prior to this campaign period,

Soothers managed to increase market share throughout the remaining retail channels outside of grocery (impulse & convenience stores, and pharmacy) – indicating that consumers were actively seeking out the brand

Not only this, though following the successful 2017 Soothers campaign, the supermarkets who previously delisted Soothers welcomed the product back to their shelves – highlighting the true strength of the campaign.

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