Film Craft > Film Craft


Alt.VFX, Brisbane / undefined / 2014

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Case Film
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'Mouth Off' was created as part of the 'Repay Your Mouth' marketing campaign; positioned as an evolution of the hugely successful 'Tongue' campaign of 2004.

The cheeky creative, sees a fresh take on the 'Tongue'. The 'Mouth' will no doubt remind everyone of the love-hate reaction they may have felt towards the original ad.The inspiration for the TVC stems from the fact that being a mouth can be a "thankless job". A mouth has to eat bacteria ridden leftovers, laugh at unfunny jokes, spew out cheesy pick-up lines and do endless amounts of sucking up. And what do they get in return? The TVC concept suggests that it is about time people repay their mouths for the years of mouth abuse endured - and one way to repay them is with the clean crisp taste of Tooheys Extra Dry.


We were tasked with designing and bring to life the mouth and we thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

After 3D scanning the lead actors head we set about building our little mouth character in intricate detail. His skeleton, muscle and skin system were all built in maya and then the final renders completed using Arnold in XSI.