Design > Communication Design


GROW, Norfolk / GROW / 2016

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“For you. On us.” is a personalized gift experience—a way to say thanks to our supporters, while introducing the people and places that define our company’s culture. Friends, clients, and colleagues each receive a beautifully designed gift through a unique digital experience that highlights Grow’s creativity and craftsmanship.


We created a series of beautifully-crafted gifts with a subtle reflection of Grow’s brand. T-shirts and sweatshirts were hand-screened and thoughtfully detailed, and custom pillows were embroidered and tagged.

We invited each gift recipient through a unique URL, sent by the Grow employee that knew them best. The experience was built with mobile as a priority, so many friends received their URLs by text, inviting them to the experience on their most familiar device.

Each visitor could choose the exact gift they wanted, including style, color, and size. Address information was pre-filled, making the entire experience lightweight and simple. The experience concludes with an animation that connects the online experience to the package they’ll receive in just a day or two.

Each gift was packaged with a handwritten note in a custom box that continued the fully-designed experience. Gifts were sent to hundreds of friends around the world.


The response to “For you. On us.” was outstanding. Recipients replied with glowing praise about both the experience and the products they received. Recipients posted photos online, sent thank you notes, and even kindly asked for more gifts for their colleagues, which we were happy to oblige. The promotion has helped ignite new relationships and rekindle old ones.

We also used the campaign to connect with our followers on social media. Over fifteen weeks, we featured the photos on Grow’s social channels, sharing an inside view of our people and our culture, and giving followers a chance to receive a gift of their own.

“For you. On us.” reminded our clients and colleagues of the thoughtful, exceptionally-crafted experiences that define Grow. The campaign will keep us top-of-mind every time someone wears their new favorite shirt or looks over at their favorite pillow in their room.


The world knows Grow for its thoughtful digital campaigns, each executed with the highest level of craft and experience. But for our clients, colleagues, and friends, the real magic of Grow is its people, and a feeling that you’re not working with “just another agency.” Since most of our clients are remote, though, many of them haven’t personally met the teams who work on their projects, or visited the amazing city we love.

In creating “For You. On Us.”, we wanted to share our company’s culture with old friends and new clients alike. The experience would highlight our creativity and craftsmanship from start to finish, making selecting a gift every bit as enjoyable as opening the box when it arrived.


In 10+ years as a digital agency, we’ve made a lot of great friends. But since the agency is in Virginia, many of our global clients, colleagues, and friends don’t live nearby to see our people each day or experience our local culture with us. We wanted to send a personalized gift to our favorite supporters, while also highlighting the people of Grow and the city we call home.

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