Design > Brand Building


ENERGY BBDO, Chicago / CLARITIN / 2024

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Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Design?

To launch the DiversiTree Project, we created the first brand identity for female trees. Our bold visual identity was rooted in the unique aspects of female trees that city planners have looked down upon for decades. Everything about female trees that were previously labeled "messy" by urban planners—like buds, seeds, and fruit—we turned into vibrant symbols of celebration, showcasing their important role in maintaining botanical balance. Leveraging the strength of a new brand identity, our design system pioneered a pathway to inspire empathy for female trees, ultimately transforming them into a rallying symbol for a more breathable future.

Is this product available for purchase?

Claritin is available for purchase. The Claritin DiversiTree Project is a U.S. initiative. As part of this project and in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, individuals could request and receive a free female tree through the Claritin website.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Tree pollen is the primary trigger for seasonal allergies, affecting over 30% of Americans. Male trees are a significant contributor. For decades, urban planners have favored them over their female counterparts due to easier maintenance, based on a 1949 USDA report. The document highlights that male trees don’t bear fruits, so they don’t litter the ground. The problem is, while male trees are “litter-free”, they produce an abundant amount of allergenic pollen, whereas female trees do not. Remarkably, their flowers, buds, and fruit absorb the pollen produced by male trees and turn it into seeds. This has left cities across the US with almost exclusively pollen-producing male trees and a botanical imbalance. As the leader in allergy relief, Claritin decided to take a stand and not just relieve allergies, but help prevent them.


The DiversiTree Project was an initiative to restore botanical balance and reduce pollen levels in American cities by planting more female trees. We were tasked with creating a design for the project that would raise awareness, shift perceptions, and inspire individuals to take action - both on a local and national level. The design needed to seamlessly integrate across multimedia platforms, including experiential, social, film, audio, and out-of-home channels. Our overarching goal? Use design to empower individuals with knowledge, captivate their interest and incite a collective drive to embrace the vital role female trees play by planting more of them.

Describe the creative idea

In the US, tree pollen stands as the biggest trigger for seasonal allergies. However, research by Claritin revealed a crucial distinction: pollen production is exclusive to male trees. Female trees, on the other hand, don’t produce pollen. They absorb it. Despite this, urban planning guidelines have long recommended the exclusive planting of male trees. The Claritin DiversiTree Project is an initiative to reduce pollen levels and restore botanical balance by planting more female trees. We crafted the first brand identity for female trees, rooted in the unique aspects that city planners have looked down upon for decades. Every aspect of female trees that were previously considered a nuisance to cities - buds, seeds, and fruit - we chose to celebrate. By giving female trees a new brand identity, we redefined their narrative, and invited individuals to see the important role female trees play in maintaining botanical balance.

Describe the execution

The purpose of our design was to craft a new brand identity for female trees. A bold and eye-catching visual identity that would inspire people to take notice. To craft the design, we drew inspiration from the female trees’ unique botanical anatomy. Every element of female trees that was traditionally treated as an inconvenience to cities, like their seeds, buds, and fruits, we celebrated in our design. Transforming female trees into symbols of joy and health. Our vibrant color palette was carefully selected to accentuate and complement the green and lush backdrop of nature. The illustrations are shape-based, utilizing heavy contrasts to showcase the elegant form and beauty of female trees. A refined mid-serif font captures the elegance/grace of the female tree, while still feeling bold enough to incite a movement. The tone in copy is both inspirational and educational, seeking to provide female trees with a voice.

List the results

• We created over 6.5 million square footage of allergy-fighting green spaces.

• Funded and published the first research study to show the positive impact of planting low pollen trees in the United States.

• Increased brand engagement by 59% - Ace Metrix, an iSpot company

• For every 200,000 female trees planted, we reduced up to 25% of pollen levels.

• Bayer committed to plant 1 million female trees by 2040.

• Over 130 placements in national and local outlets

• Increased brand engagement by 58%

• Through our website, female trees have been donated to 46 states across the US.

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