Design > Brand Building


BUENTIPO ANCHOR, Bogota / ABInBev / 2024


Silver Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Case Film
Presentation Image




Why is this work relevant for Design?

We discovered that the economy of corner shops in Colombia depends on their ability to attract customers and keep them engaged by offering enjoyable experiences.

However, the vast majority lack attractive furnishings to achieve this.

Poker beer revolutionized corner shops by repurposing THE PETACO, a standard beer transport item that often accumulated in heaps at each shop. We integrated it into a fully functional and crafted design system, allowing shopkeepers to create any desired furniture. This transformed their corner shops into social hubs, offering diverse experiences that boosted both: their business and our sales volume which grew up to 30%.

Is this product available for purchase?

Absolutely! However, this exclusive design system isn't accessible through conventional currency. It's a unique offering available solely through BEES, our business-to-business platform. Here, shopkeepers earn points with every beer purchase, which they can later redeem for meticulously crafted furniture from our portfolio. Picture this: the more beer they procure, the greater their points stack up, unlocking boundless possibilities to furnish their spaces with practicality, enjoyment, and fun.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Corner shops are an essential part of the Colombian economy. It's estimated that there are more than 500,000 throughout the country, responsible for 52% of the sales of everything that is consumed nationally. They are important not just for what they represent in neighborhood dynamics but also for all the families that depend on their economy.

According to research, only 4% of them have the resources to equip their stores with the necessary furniture to give customers experiences worth staying longer, having fun, and thus consuming more.

That's why Poker, one of the leading beer brands, used a resource that was already there: the PETACO, an essential object for beer distribution in Colombia where the most common consumption method is in returnable bottles.

We've revolutionized the ordinary beer box stacked in stores – let's face it, it's not always the most aesthetically pleasing – and elevated it into a dynamic, fully modular design system. Each piece has been meticulously crafted to not only enhance functionality within stores but also to exude an unparalleled level of allure and branding. It's a transformation that goes beyond mere furniture; it's a statement of style.


Poker beer thrives in cornershops, comprising 38% of the distribution. Traditionally, we've furnished them with branded materials and standard furniture for effective visibility. However, the necessity of branding has intensified due to the rise of discount shops and craft beer bars in neighborhoods, impacting this channel significantly.

Our challenge was revitalizing corner shops by enhancing functionality and enjoyability to prolong customer stays and increase their average ticket.

Yet, equipping over 500,000 stores nationwide with branded furniture is unattainable.

So, we opted to utilize something that has always been there: PETACOS, regular beer boxes that we transformed into a functional design system.

Shopkeepers access it through BEES, our B2B digital platform where they earn and redeem points for beer purchases.

Our objectives:

- Convert 10% of stores into social hubs without budget escalation.

- 30% rise in branded furniture.

- 15% increase in beer orders.

- 25% reduction in furniture expenses.

Describe the creative idea

Inspired by a fully modular design system, IMAGINE WITH PETACOS ignites the creativity of shopkeepers, encouraging them to repurpose beer boxes into versatile furniture that suits any environment.

From tables and chairs in various sizes to entertainment areas like stages and DJ sets, as well as social games such as billiards, foosball, and even basketball courts, we've transformed stores into vibrant entertainment hubs, enticing friends to linger longer.

We've developed a comprehensive system comprising over 20 designs, catering to everyone from casual consumers to serious enthusiasts, ensuring a full spectrum of entertainment options.

Acquiring the elements necessary to transform PETACOS into functional furniture is straightforward. Shopkeepers access BEES, our B2B platform, where they can purchase products, accumulate points, and redeem them for more furniture. They can easily browse available items and access assembly tutorials.

Describe the execution

It all began with cornershops visits, where we observed that in stores lacking seating space for beer consumption, customers would use anything, even PETACOS, as chairs.

This moment sparked the idea that since all PETACOS can be stacked, we could turn them into a complete design system to provide shapes, uses, and experiences.

Thus, we developed a comprehensive system integrating over 50 designs, ranging from tables and chairs to platforms for mini-concerts, and tabletop and competitive games like billiards, and foosball, among others.

We introduced the furniture on Bees, our previously mentioned B2B platform, where shopkeepers found the different designs and the number of Bees points required for each item.

Ultimately, this idea was launched in December 2023. Still, it doesn't end there, as PETACOS will always be there, along with the imagination of shopkeepers to create whatever they need and turn it into a complete experience in their stores.

List the results

Transforming PETACOS into furniture for neighborhood stores has had a positive impact on business results. Increasing shopkeepers' income by 15% and the frequency consumers’ visits.

Furthermore, the improvement in customer experience has led to an increase in both the duration of visits and beer consumption in the stores.

The initiative has successfully achieved its original goal of transforming neighborhood stores into attractive and sustainable entertainment spaces, allowing us to achieve the following results according to the established objectives:

Now, we can transform +15% of corner stores into social hubs nationwide (This is more than 75.000 corner stores.

+46% increase in branded furniture reusing PETACOS instead of producing regular furniture.

+30% sales volume increase, which represents that the more Poker beer shopkeepers buy, the more furniture they can create.

+32% savings on furniture for corner shops, helping shopkeepers one PETACO at a time.

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