Design > Communication Design




Bronze Cannes Lions
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Case Film




Why is this work relevant for Design?

We developed a new kind of band aid called Blood Aid. Used after blood exams at DASA diagnostics, Blood Aid when in touch with the patient's blood, reveals in seconds what kind of blood the patient has. Blood Aid allows for the DASA worker to offer the patient specific health literature concerning their blood type and also to connect the patient with the blood bank so they can be reached when their blood type is in short supply and donations are needed.

Is this product available for purchase?

The product is available for those who come to DASA diagnostics to get their exams done. Blood aid is offered free of charge only at DASA locations. It's not available for sale outside DASA locations nor it's charged to DASA patients.

It's a free bandaid.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Brazil, 40% of the population is unaware of their blood type. Knowing your blood type is important for several reasons. First, because some health factors are more common to specific blood types. Second, because when you do know your blood type you can donate when your specific blood type is in short supply and in need.

As a health diagnostics and integrated health system provider we decided to make the blood type information be readily available and also invite patients to learn more about what their blood type means for their health and also to sign up for alerts of when their specific blood type was in need of donations.


Situation: DASA performs 10 thousand blood exams per week.

Brief: How can we get patients who are getting a blood exam to engage with other health programs and exams that DASA provides?

Objective: To get patients who come for blood work to sign up to become blood donors and also to look for other health programs from DASA.

Scale & Volume: Blood Aid has replaced the regular baind-aid in all DASA locations in the São Paulo state, covering around 30 thousand patients in the past two months.

Budget: 150 thousand dollars

Describe the creative idea

DASA is the largest integrated health system in Brazil. It has hundreds of health diagnostic clinics and dozens of hospitals spread through Brazil.

Target: DASA diagnostics covers all ages and social economic groups.

Describe the execution

Blood Aid is a new kind of band-aid, with a thin new layer of fabric prepared to create an agglutination chemical reaction when in contact with blood. Each blood type creates a different shape of blood agglutination, spelling out the blood type on the surface of Blood-Aid in a few seconds of contact.

List the results

30 thousand patients have been impacted by Blood Aid.

14 thousand patients became part of the Blood Bank database.

9 thousand have booked other health exams based on the literature given to them, based on their blood type.

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