Outdoor > Culture & Context




Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

In our 2022 campaign launch, no two ads were the same. In 2023, we had to find an equally imaginative use of outdoor media.

We continued the theme of uniqueness, but this year used out of home media to create contextual relevance.

Our use of out of home in 2023 was even more audacious than it had been in 2022. We planned a full calendar of outdoor activity around particular events and placements - from traditional billboards, to ads printed on sailing boats and trucks - ensuring each ad played a role in culture.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

British Airways (sometimes known as just "BA") is the United Kingdom's largest airline, and is the UK's flag carrier. As such, it was vital for the campaign to show that BA has a deep understanding of the reasons British people fly.

Brands often claim cultural relevance. But they rarely build whole campaign plans around it.

We designed a full cultural calendar for the campaign. Each execution related to a particularly British moment or motivation for travel - coinciding with school holidays, bad UK weather, or a particular cultural event.

For example, ads at the iconic Cowes Week sailing regatta longed to sail “somewhere you don’t have to dodge ferries”. Ads placed on the back of trucks (or, in the UK, lorries) made light of Britain’s unusual system of driving on the left. To conclude the year, a suite of Christmas executions celebrated the unofficial festive traditions that Brits all recognise and love.


We launched a ground breaking campaign with British Airways where no two ads were the same - celebrating the customers, employees & the nation which help to make the airline, a British Original.

A British Original continued into '23, with a new series of executions, continuing to explore the individual & original reasons people travel, this time celebrating unique & contextual moments.

The new executions used playful art direction & motion to build upon the design, demonstrating a high level of craft, embracing some of advertising oldest skills, writing & design, to make a modern classic. The campaign ran across TV, OOH, press and digital channels.

Describe the Impact:

Overall, since launch, the new brand platform has had a transformative impact on the brand and the business.

In the UK, brand salience is up 13 percentage points, share of search has grown by 11%, and cost per look has decreased by 66%.

Our initial launch campaign had been a tough act to follow. But 2023’s campaign took the brand to even greater heights. It caused a 9% rise in consideration and 7% rise in purchase intent among our target audience.

Please comment on how the brand resonated with a specific target audience in a single locality or market.

Brands often claim cultural relevance. But they rarely build whole campaign plans around it.

We designed a full cultural calendar for the campaign. Each execution related to a particularly British moment for travel - whether that was a school holiday, bad UK weather, or a particular cultural event.

For example, ads at the iconic Cowes Week sailing regatta longed to sail “somewhere you don’t have to dodge ferries”. Ads placed on the back of trucks (or, in the UK, lorries) made light of Britain’s unusual system of driving on the left. To conclude the year, a suite of Christmas executions celebrated the unofficial festive traditions that Brits all recognise and love.

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