Media > Insights & Media Strategy


VML SPAIN, Madrid / REAL BETIS / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Media?

The Betis Test is relevant as new media due to its innovative use of media on a everyday object - a pregnancy test - as a medium for communication and branding. By altering the colors of the test to reflect the Real Betis Football Club's colors, we transformed a universal product into a unique symbol of club loyalty. This not only provided a fresh, unexpected platform for brand engagement but also sparked widespread conversation on digital and social media platforms.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Football is more than just a sport in Spain; it's an integral part of the culture. And your team’s colors are everything. In Seville, a beautiful city from the south of Spain, you are born either a red-and-white supporter of Sevilla F.C or a green-and-white supporter of Real Betis Football Club.

These colors - green-and-white for Betis, red-and-white for Sevilla - are more than just team identifiers; they're symbols of identity passed down through generations.

This campaign was created for Real Betis for their 116th anniversary, at a time when the club was looking to reaffirm its bond with its fan base and attract new members through the phrase that all Betis fans encounter when they enter the Benito Villamarín stadium: "From parents to children. From grandparents to grandchildren."

This led us to think of the first thing you see when a new life is conceived: a pregnancy test. You see two RED lines on a white background. But a Betis fan certainly doesn’t want to see those colors in the most precious moment of their lives.


In Spain, football allegiance is often inherited. You are born with them. Real Betis Football Club, with its passionate fan base, needed a creative way to reaffirm this deep-seated loyalty and attract new members for their yearly membership campaign. So it wasn’t fair that your new baby was born with your rival’s colors: red and white.

The brief was to develop an innovative concept that would resonate with the existing fans while also appealing to potential new ones. The idea had to reflect the unique cultural context of football fandom in Spain, particularly the intense sentiment.

The primary goal was to drive membership sign-ups. Additionally, we aimed to generate buzz around the campaign, strengthen the club's brand image, and foster a stronger sense of community among fans.

Describe the creative idea/insights

Diving into Seville's passionate football culture, Real Betis launched an initiative that intertwined familial loyalty with club devotion: the world’s first green-and-white pregnancy test. This campaign emerged from a powerful insight—Real Betis is not just supported but inherited across generations. Our consultations with fans and club historians revealed a deep desire for the club to feature in life's pivotal moments, embodying the sentiment "From parents to children, from grandparents to grandchildren." Challenging the red and white of our rivals, the innovative pregnancy test symbolized a new beginning for fans, ensuring the first colors a newborn recognizes are those of Betis. This emblematic gesture was more than a product; it was a pledge of allegiance, sparking dialogue and strengthening generational bonds. As a result, Betis's colors became a hallmark of familial celebration, welcoming the next line of supporters into the world with a sense of belonging and tradition.

Describe the strategy

Understanding that Real Betis support begins in the cradle, we crafted a campaign directly targeting expectant families within the fan community, uniting them in anticipation and pride. The initiative introduced the world's first green-and-white pregnancy test to align with the inherited passion for the club, avoiding the traditional colors of our rivals, Sevilla FC. Our media strategy focused on platforms frequented by young families and fan groups, fostering discussions and pride in the Betis lineage, plus Official On-line/ Off line Store. This targeted approach invigorated the community's unity, paving the way for the youngest fans to be born into the Betis legacy.

Describe the execution

The campaign was implemented strategically to maximize impact. We launched the campaign nationally just before the first match of the season in August, a time when fans are returning from summer vacations and ready to resume their regular routines, including watching soccer. The timing was chosen to capture the renewed enthusiasm of fans as they geared up for the new season. As soon as the campaign was launched, it went viral within minutes, demonstrating the power of our creative idea and its resonance with our target audience. The scale of the campaign was nationwide, reaching millions of fans across Spain, making it one of the most impactful campaigns in the history of Real Betis Football Club. 

List the results

The Betis Pregnancy Test campaign generated 17 million views and over 50,000 social media mentions on launch day alone, indicating high engagement. Owned media results included a near-capacity subscriber count reaching 50,409, with a subsequent membership rise to 70,500 and a 10,000-strong waiting list, demonstrating consumer interaction and brand dedication. The campaign also achieved exceptional digital presence that exploded with 17 million views and 50,000 mentions in 24 hours, rivaling global celebrities in social media buzz as Taylor Swift, being second one in Mentions in Spain the test launch day. Additionally, a 96.1% renewal rate among season subscribers highlighted enduring loyalty, while the distribution of 405 newborn memberships evidenced lasting brand integration from birth.

Describe the use of data, or how the data enhanced the work

The Betis Pregnancy Test campaign’s success was data-driven from conception to execution. Data gathering involved understanding demographic shifts and deep-rooted football culture in Seville. Insights revealed a generational fan loyalty, crucial for targeting. We observed an 80% increase in family re-grouping requests, pivoting from friend-based seating, informing us to focus on familial bonds.

Integration of these insights led to a strategic launch, enhancing impact through targeted digital channels. This resulted in a significant surge in memberships, reaching 70,500 with 10,000+ on the waiting list, and a 96.1% season subscription renewal rate. Digital engagement metrics, like 17 million views and 50,000 mentions within 24 hours, alongside the rapid sell-out of the pregnancy tests, underscored the data’s influence in sharpening the campaign’s focus, tailoring the message, and measuring its resonance within the community, thus proving the indispensable role of data in amplifying the effectiveness of creative work.

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