Creative Strategy > Insights & Research


VML SPAIN, Madrid / AUSONIA / 2024

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#WantToSeeYouOld strives to make cancer research support a relevant cause for young females, as they lacked engagement with this cause that they perceive as affecting older generations. However, we uncovered a tension that turned this around: “Who wants to get old? Most people don’t. Especially the younger generations”. We re-framed the anxiety around aging from being a fear to a privilege. How? By facilitating a discussion between cancer survivors and an antiaging obsessed generation

This led to an impactful campaign highlighting the importance of research and creating + 10% brand love for under 29.


Ausonia, a feminine hygiene brand by P&G, has been a pioneer in making a tangible contribution to Breast Cancer Research in Spain, donating one minute of research per pack for 17 years. However, the initiative was not resonating with younger audiences that perceived this cause as more relevant to women further along in life.

The brief was to foster a connection with younger generations and emotionally reconnect with them by demonstrating in a meaningful and engaging way Ausonia's unwavering commitment to supporting breast cancer research as a relevant cause for women of all ages.

The objectives were to strengthen the link between Ausonia and Breast Cancer Research for generation 18- to 24; as well as deploying new mechanisms for the audience to engage and collaborate by donating more minutes; amplifying the campaign and gain further reach to raise awareness for the cause.

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Ausonia has been a pioneer brand in supporting breast cancer research in Spain for 17 years, demonstrating their commitment to women and society by donating minutes of research in a yearly campaign that coincides with International Breast Cancer Day. However, the brand noticed that they were losing connection with younger women who were not resonating with this initiative.

Prior to the International Breast Cancer Day, we identified a relevant trend on social media where young audiences were using aging filters to see what their older selves would look like. While some saw it as a mere trick, others used it to express negative feelings towards aging. Ausonia decided to leverage this conversation and turn it around by presenting aging as a victory over cancer.

The strategy aimed at demonstrating the brand's continued commitment to empowering women of all ages in all aspects of their lives. By reframing the conversation around aging and cancer, Ausonia was able to create a more relevant and engaging campaign that resonated with its target audience.

This campaign is carried out on yearly bases with positive results; however, by tapping into a popular trend on social media and addressing a topic that is important to many women Ausonia not only amplified its message and reached a wider audience, it achieved a 100% increase in minutes donation over the previous year.


Ausonia supports women, physically and emotionally, to be their unstoppable selves at any moments in their life, so they can keep on making their unique contribution to the world. These commitment shows in striving to provide the best protection in sanitary products, disrupting social stereotypes around womanhood and ultimately supporting the fight against breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Research has been the most socially relevant and strongest equity building initiative for the brand over decades. However, many other brands have joined the cause year by year and it has become more difficult to stand out and stay relevant.

Additionally, breast cancer is not a top concern for younger generations and thus the brand was losing connection with this audience. Research showed that instead beauty and ageing ranked as top worries for this audience. The opportunity was to raise awareness for this cause whilst breaking with limiting views on ageing.

Insight/Breakthrough Thinking

Ausonia are constantly striving to understand cultural stereotypes and misconceptions around womanhood that could prevent women from becoming their unstoppable selves; from taboos around menstruation, to the perception of emotions as weaknesses or self-limiting believes around ageing.

Research included social listening and culture monitoring to understand the most relevant trends and ongoing conversations for the audience, focus groups on key concerns for under 29 and in-depth interviews with breast cancer survivors.

The breakthrough moment was to discover that young generations are more worried about aging than about staying healthy, with beauty ranking a top concern for 87% of the audience. We leveraged this tension create a perception shift moving aging from a fear to a privilege by presenting it as a victory over cancer. A honest discussion contrasting the audience views on ageing against those of cancer survivors was an impactful vehicle to convey this.

Creative Idea

Ausonia’s approach to breast cancer communication is to always infuse hope by engaging women who have overcome the illness, presenting their victory in a credible way as the reality that will one day be the most prevalent in society if we continue to invest in research.

The creative strategy springboard was create and honest and open discussion around ageing between young generations and cancer survivors; to show that ageing means beating breast cancer. We wanted to turn this negative conversation of defeat into a positive conversation of victory, moving aging from fear to privilege.

The creative idea needed to leverage additional mechanisms for the audience to contribute minutes of research further than buying the product, that’s how the idea of the ageing filter comes into place with 1 minute of research donated per packet purchased and one minute donated every time that a picture was shared after applying the filter.


Ausonia's campaign achieved remarkable results:

• In FY23/24 alone, an additional 6,029,638 minutes were dedicated to research, duplicating the total amount donated in the previous year (+100.1% increase)

• €361,778.28 raised for breast cancer research in FY23/24, contributing to a cumulative €3.36 million in donations and 56 million minutes of research time.

•The campaign's digital influencer activities registered 3.7 million impressions and 33.3 thousand organic clicks. One influencer generated a notable 26.2 million clicks, engaging 746 million unique users. Instagram Ambassadors' efforts attained 100 million impressions.

•This strategy catalyzed a behavioral shift with active consumer participation in research, enhancing Ausonia's reputation as a dedicated health advocate. T

•The strategic execution secured extensive reach, with 97 media clippings from the event phase and notable engagement with 174,310 social media impressions via branded content in ELLE magazine, successfully meeting the brand's objectives.

•+ 10 points increase in Brand love for under 29

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