Sustainable Development Goals > People


VML SPAIN, Madrid / AUSONIA / 2024

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Case Film
Supporting Images




Why is this work relevant for Sustainable Development Goals?

Ausonia's dedication isn't just about menstrual hygiene, it's a journey of empowerment.

This campaign aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, by raising awareness about breast cancer and promoting health over beauty. It also supports Goal 5: Gender Equality, by challenging cultural stereotypes around womanhood and empowering young women to prioritize their health. Furthermore, the initiative contributes to Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals, through collaboration with influencers, ambassadors, and our longstanding collaboration with the Spanish Breast Cancer Association for over 17 years, fostering collective action towards combating breast cancer and promoting positive societal change.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Ausonia is known for supporting breast cancer in Spain for 17 years, demonstrating their commitment to women and society by donating minutes of research in a yearly campaign with the purpose of creating a future where women get to live longer, free from breast cancer. This initiative strives to provide tools for social media users to take part in the campaign through digital activations. However, the initiative was not resonating with younger audiences that perceived this cause as more relevant to women further along in life. Yet diagnoses of breast cancer tumors in young women in Spain has elevated 12% in the last years, but women don’t start checking their breast until the age of 50, reducing the possibility of awareness and early detection amongst the target.

How does this campaign fit into the overall brand objectives? How is this part of the brand's wider commitment towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

Ausonia exists to help women be their unstoppable selves at any moment of their life by fighting any constraints from discomforts related to the menstrual cycle that might be limiting them in making their unique and valuable contribution to the world.

To make this purpose a reality, Ausonia was a pioneer brand in supporting research against breast cancer in Spain, an initiative that started 17 years ago in the shape of a very tangible contribution of donating 1 Minute of Research per product sold during 6 months per year. This has made it an iconic brand among several generations, with a strong commitment perceived by consumers, communicating our purpose of helping women live longer, free from breast cancer.

Thanks to our collaboration with the Spanish Cancer Association, we’ve funded different research projects across the years such as: Discovering the impact on breast cancer of diet and exercise at early ages, the use of vitamin D for chemotherapy effectiveness, the development of innovative anti-tumoral therapies that reduce relapses and metastasis, anti-tumoral therapies for HER2+ type breast cancer, and others.


The brief was to foster a connection with younger generations and emotionally reconnect with them by demonstrating in a meaningful and engaging way Ausonia's unwavering commitment to supporting breast cancer research as a relevant cause for women of all ages.

The objectives were to strengthen the link between Ausonia and Breast Cancer Research for generation 18- to 24; as well as deploying new mechanisms for the audience to engage and collaborate by donating more minutes; amplifying the campaign and gain further reach to raise awareness for the cause.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate and the significance of the work within this context

In a society fixated on youth, women often feel pressured to defy aging, forgetting life's true essence: living fully and healthily. Media exacerbates this with unrealistic standards, perpetuated by influencers and filters. Ausonia saw an opportunity to change this narrative, partnering with real breast cancer patients and brand ambassadors to proclaim: "I want to see you grow old." This poignant message celebrates the privilege of longevity and good health, reminding us of the beauty in every stage of life. Every minute donated to breast cancer research becomes a beacon of hope, extending the lives of countless women and embodying the resilience of the human spirit. Through this campaign, Ausonia doesn't just challenge beauty norms; it celebrates life's vibrancy, resilience, and the profound connections that unite us all.

Describe the creative idea

In our objective to challenge people’s perception of aging to help donate to breast cancer research, we created an experiment where we showed young women a picture of their future older selves, and upon their negative reactions we revealed Marta, another women who, contrary to them, had a positive reaction to seeing herself old. We then discover Marta is a 25-year-old breast cancer survivor who once though she wouldn’t get to live much longer.

The video invited to share an “aged selfie” using our special filter, and for each picture shared we’d fund 1 minute of breast cancer research.

The initiative was shared by major Spanish influencers, profiles who had previously engaged in negative conversation about aging, and Ausonia’s ambassadors who spoke up about the importance of funding research to help women live longer free from breast cancer.

Describe the strategy

Ausonia has always championed women with unwavering determination and an indomitable spirit, empowering them to conquer any challenge. Despite our longstanding commitment to breast cancer awareness campaigns, engaging younger women posed a unique challenge. To bridge this gap, we embraced a popular social media trend: filters. Leveraging this digital phenomenon, we aimed to connect with younger audiences on their terms. Our strategy involved meeting them where they spend much of their time—on social platforms—leveraging the influence of key influencers to amplify our message. By harnessing the power of technology and social media, we sought to reaffirm our dedication to women's health and well-being, ensuring that every woman, regardless of age, feels supported and empowered on her journey.

Describe the execution

We created a social film to launch our campaign in September, a month before International Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

Then, to give our audience a mechanism to engage and donate to breast cancer research, we created an Instagram filter, one based on the “Aged” filter trend, on that instead of feeding the algorithm with negative views about aging, invited young women could share “aged selfies” to unapologetically claim “I want to get old” and help fight breast cancer.

The campaign was shared by our brand ambassadors and major Spanish influencers, some of whom had previously shared negative opinions about their older selves.

Meanwhile, in-store, our initiative “1 pack = 1 minute” ran alongside the digital activation from September to November.

We also held events with the Spanish Cancer Association to start conversations about the importance of research between ambassadors and breast cancer survivors.

Describe the results/impact

Ausonia's 'Want to Get Old' campaign advanced Sustainable Development Goal 3 by raising €361,778.28 in FY23/24, contributing to a total of €3.36 million for health and well-being. Real-time data amplified the impact with influencers' Instagram stories hitting 100 million impressions, while a digital campaign netted 3.7 million impressions and over 33.3 thousand clicks. A leading influencer generated 26.2 million clicks, exemplifying the campaign's scalability. The initiative also secured 56 million minutes of research funding and an additional 6,029,638 minutes in FY23/24, with 97 media clippings from the event phase evidencing behavior change and heightened brand advocacy in health.

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

Ausonia aims to transform this campaign into a platform for advocating health, transcending superficial standards. We aspire to be more than just a brand; we strive to empower women to embrace their unstoppable potential and cherish the journey of growing older. By championing this message, we hope to inspire women to prioritize their well-being and celebrate the beauty of every stage of life. Due to the success of this campaign, we’re going to maintain the communication platform a 2nd year, to keep telling women we want to see them get old.

Were the carbon emissions of this piece of work measured? For additional context, what consideration was given to the sustainable development, production and running of the work?

Carbon emissions were not measured

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