Film > Screens & Events


LEO BURNETT, Mumbai / IKEA / 2024


Shortlisted Spikes Asia
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In the ‘Skip Ads that Save Time’ films, we see characters in situations mirroring real-life ones. But the only difference is that they are organised, allowing them to find things within seconds and skip their ads before the viewer can.

For instance, in this film, a mother is seen resting near the couch, having a day off and we can hear the kid cry. But since the mother is organised, she is able to find the toy even without looking and hand it over to the kid. Saving time for herself and eventually skips the viewer. All in 4 seconds.


Situation- IKEA has a range of organising products that have gained popularity across the globe owing to their organising functionalities. But being a new entrant in the Indian market, the brand is still in the early stages of educating people about the perks of organising with IKEA.

Brief- To make IKEA's organising solutions relevant in the lives of 1.4 Billion Indians.

Objective- Create tangible value of organising in everyday life among Indians, through an experiential campaign targeted at most Indians.

Describe the Impact:

• Impact- 10% increase in Top of Mind gains

• Reach- 21.8+ Million reach

• Engagement- 2,54,244 clicks, 100% views

• Change in Behaviour- People started equating the skip button with saving time.

• Brand perception- 3.5% increase in brand desire.

• Achievement against objectives- We educated Indians about the perks of organising in real life.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work e.g. local legislation, cultural norms, a national holiday or religious festival that may have a particular meaning.

With a population of over 1.4 Billion, India is a country where people are always rushing. Organising is the last thing they have on their minds, but something that can positively impact their daily lives beyond imagination. A little organising with IKEA can help them keep chaos out of their spaces and in effect, save them a lot of time.

Also, there are over 460 million YouTube users in the country, but only 0.17% of them have Premium subscriptions. Meaning, that most Indians are made to wait for at least 5 seconds before they can watch their videos, owing to ads.

Both these insights gave us an opportunity to demonstrate the organising capabilities of IKEA's products in an experiential manner.

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