Glass: The Lion For Change > Glass: The Lion for Change



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Today, the political and social scenario of Brazil is marked by conservatism. And minority groups such as LGBT and women suffer from the loss of rights, being the most affected: freedom. Women are expected to have a certain conduct and if they do not, they can be blamed even for their own rapes. It’s because of this type of reaction that most of the victims do not report what occurred. When a rape happens, the first thing that goes through people's minds is to question whether the woman is actually speaking the truth. It’s clear that there is a stark contradiction in the country: at the same time that women are more qualified and there are laws that ultimately favor them, there is a cultural machismo that puts the woman in a lower form, and men feel they own their body and his soul. The culture of rape, which is very rooted in our society: sexual violence against women is normalized in the media and in popular culture. So, we had 3 great challenges: challenge the culture of rape, generate understanding of the problem and create an undeniable solution that would not generate doubts that women are telling the truth.

Describe the cultural/social/political climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context

Women have already earned the right to go out alone at night to have fun without being judged. But violence against women is still a reality. In Brazil, a woman is raped every 10 minutes. One of the most common scams is to tamper with the victim’s beverage with drugs known as rape drugs. They attack the central nervous system causing loss of consciousness and amnesia.The abuser generally approaches the victim in night clubs, offering an already contaminated beverage. Considered a heinous crime, sexual abuse committed to the use of drugs is foreseen by law with a sentence of 8 to 15 years imprisonment. According to article 217 of the Penal code. Although foreseen in legislation, this type of crime faces a number of obstacles to be investigated. Many of the victims don't even remember what happened. Less than 10% of the victims report the crime to the police but the biggest obstacle is social. According to UN Women, the culture of rape creates a trivialization of sexual violence, justified by terms like: "it was already dawn and she was on the street". In reality, women don’t report it because they fell ashamed or helpless.

Describe the creative idea

We created a real anti-crime package. An accessory: the Desperta. And a secret weapon to spread the word: music.

Desperta in Portuguese means wake-up and also stay sharp. It detects the presence of substances present in all rape drugs. The woman makes the test without the perpetrator noticing, effortlessly. It’s different from some test attempts that do not privilege usability and discretion to ensure women's safety first.

Just dip and wait a few seconds. If it changes color, it's the act. Call the police.

The song Boa Noite, Boa Noite was cowritten and performed by Malia, an activist and one of the most promising singers in the country.

And so, with the duo: tool and awareness we will be able to end this cowardly crime once and for all. And women will be able to use their freedom to go out whenever they want.

Describe the strategy

The Strategy had 3 phases:

Hack the crime: other innovations exist, but being caught by the criminal, examining the beverage, is a huge risk. How to assure 100% safety? The more discreet and faster, the better. We have created an innovative product.

Hack the Culture: Change society. To do this, we wrote a song with Malia, a rising star. We released it in all of Universal Music platforms and on Malia’s social pages. With media in the main social networks and in the Gameloft platform, which has affinity with men with profile similar to the aggressors.

Hack the business model: Open source. Consumer, producer and distributor all together. It democratizes and accelerates access to the product. We created a website where everyone can contact, and together with up, develop, improve and distribute the product.

Describe the execution

Our strategy for implementation was hacking different systems: that of rape culture, attention economy and of mass production.

First, we created a discrete tool against crime, that does not put the woman in a dangerous situation when testing her drink. DESPERTA also serves as the means to validate that the woman is telling the truth.

We are spreading the news via an exclusive song, avoiding traditional formats and guaranteeing people's attention in a timeline full of information.

We also thought about a new system of production. DESPERTA’s formula is available to be mass produced by several brands so we can help as many women as possible.

In our first awareness phase we can say that we have inhibited the crime, because now the criminal knows that he can be caught.

The more brands that unite towards this cause the easier it will be to help eradicate spiked drink’ crimes.

Describe the results/impact

We have already reached more than 1MM people with an impact of 12MM on Universal Music's Facebook. With more than 280K of visualisations on YouTube (in only 3 days) It is n°1 in engagement on Universal's YouTube Channel. That is more than most great artists and multimillionaire productions get.

We have also had surprising quantitative results. The negative comments were practically zero, with 99,5% of positive feedbacks on YouTube and Facebook.The levels of engagement were also high: 60% of the people tagged other people and more than 83,5% of the people who liked the post also shared it. Besides that, we've had more than 50,000 clicks for the site of the campaign.

We also believe that we've had a result that can't be measured by the platforms: imagine how many criminals before being impacted by the music will think twice, knowing that now they can get caught.

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