Entertainment > Community




Bronze Cannes Lions
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Case Film




Why is this work relevant for Entertainment?

With "Eat Like Your Avatar", we chose an innovative approach in merging gaming culture with real-life behavior change. The campaign captivated audiences by leveraging the popularity of Zelda and the influence of a YouTube gaming influencer, Valouzz. By integrating Zelda gameplay and real-world dietary choices, the campaign effectively communicated the brand message of Naturellement Flexitariens to a vast gaming community. This unique intersection of gaming, YouTube content, and community engagement transformed branded content into cultural phenomena, creating an unskippable experience that resonated deeply with consumers.

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In many video games cooking gameplay has become a prominent feature, offering players the ability to create numerous balanced recipes. For instance, the last Zelda game features over 228 different recipes which provide strong bonuses in-game. And gamers love these features. They spend hours collecting and cooking for their avatar.

This dedication can lead to chaining games or embarking on lengthy quests, leaving little time or energy for preparing balanced meals in real life. So, while they spend so much time taking care of their avatar, they don’t do it for themselves, and mainly eat what they have on-hands. And it’s often fast food.


The brief for "Eat Like Your Avatar" addressed a key challenge: engaging gamers to adopt healthier eating habits inspired by their in-game behaviors. The campaign aimed to leverage the influence of gaming culture to promote the flexitarian diet advocated by Naturellement Flexitariens. The primary goal was to demonstrate the positive impact of balanced eating on both gaming performance and real-life health.

The campaign sought to generate buzz within the gaming community, spark conversations around healthier eating habits, and ultimately position Naturellement Flexitariens as a relevant and relatable advocate for balanced diets within gaming culture. The brief thus aimed to transform gaming passion into a platform for positive lifestyle changes.

Describe the strategy & insight

Gamers often prioritize convenience over nutrition, opting for quick and accessible food options due to limited time between gaming sessions. But there’s one thing gamers love: challenges.

So we give them a new one drawing on the cooking gameplay. Which has become extremely developed in modern video games, offering essential bonuses to avatars for progressing through adventures.

The campaign leveraged these insights to engage gamers effectively, showing if they already take care of their avatar, they just have to do the same to take care of themselves.

Describe the creative idea

The creative idea behind "Eat Like Your Avatar" centered on documenting Valouzz's 15-day culinary journey inspired by his gaming experiences. A compelling 18-minute immersive documentary captured Valouzz's adventure as he exclusively ate recipes unlocked from his daily gaming sessions on "Zelda Tears of The Kingdom." Viewers witnessed his ups and downs, experiencing the challenges and successes of adopting his avatar’s diet in real-time.

The documentary showcased every recipe unlocked and cooked in real life. Highlighting the direct correlation between gaming achievements and balanced dietary choices. By immersing viewers in Valouzz's transformation, the campaign demonstrated the tangible benefits of the challenge—both in-game bonuses and real-life health improvements. The narrative unfolded authentically, resonating with gamers and illustrating how gaming passions can inspire positive lifestyle changes. This creative approach effectively conveyed the campaign's message, emphasizing the accessibility and relevance of adopting healthier eating habits inspired by gaming avatars.

Describe the craft & execution

The craft and execution of "Eat Like Your Avatar" involved careful planning to engage the gaming community. Valouzz announced the challenge on social media, generating anticipation. Throughout the 15-day challenge, Valouzz shared daily updates, discussing his progress and challenges in adopting his avatar’s diet.

Valouzz's engagement included cooking sessions on Twitch, like a Valentine's Day stream where he prepared special recipes. These interactive sessions allowed Valouzz to share his experience firsthand, fostering community involvement.

After the challenge, we curated footage into an 18-minute documentary. This served as the campaign's culmination, showcasing Valouzz's journey and the benefits of the challenge, conveying the message of healthier eating inspired by gaming avatars.

Describe the results

- More than 250k views in 24 hours for the Youtube Documentary.

- #1 trending on Youtube gaming.

- More than 500k total views on Twitch, including replays.

- 6M minutes of health content watched by GenZ.

- Amongst YT and Twitch comments, 95% of them were positive, and 5% neutral or critical.

- 3,6M earned media

- 100+ gamers trying the challenge in several games.

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