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Why is this work relevant for Direct?

The idea behind this packaging of Wagashi (Japanese confections) and a classic Japanese novel, is to provide an extraordinary experience for a single individual, in a very direct, one-to-one manner.

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Wagashi is the traditional art of Japanese confectionary. Going back centuries, it reflects the essence and beauty of the natural world. But in recent years, today’s confections have lost their cultural connection and their true beauty. Many have felt that to save traditional Wagashi, some added experiences may be appropriate, and even necessary in Japan, as most Wagashi sold in stores, more and more, are cheap and far from their original mix of craft and culture.


Wagashi (Japanese confections) has been enjoyed in Japan for over 400 years. The uniqueness of wagashi is that people savor the seasons and scenes expressed by craftsmen within these sweets. However, most wagashi sold in stores today are far from their original culture. Young people, in particular, have lost interest in wagashi, and the culture of relishing the expressions of wagashi, which can be called an art of eating, is disappearing.

The brief was to find a way to gain a new interest in Wagashi for those who seek new experiences, those who are connected with Japanese tradition, but needing a fresh approach.

Describe the creative idea

To preserve the traditions of Wagashi, the Kyoto manufacturer and a publisher of classic Japanese novels came together to form Bungashi, a brand partnership to create bespoke Wagashi to be enjoyed within certain passages of the reading to create a multi-sensorial literary experience. Extreme craft and care were taken to appeal to all, but especially those within the visually aesthetic conscious Instagram generation.

Describe the strategy

A fresh, new experience was thought to be necessary in order to get a younger audience interested again in classic Wagashi, as uninspired substitutes for classic Wagashi filled convenience stores, where most shop nearly every day. The strategy was to re-introduce Wagashi in a way that would create a powerful new experience. As classic novels are still popular among the audience, joining the two was an interesting, relevant approach. In the end, the idea was to create an entirely new experience combining the reading of a classic novel while consuming bespoke Wagashi to embellish and enhance particular sections of the classic story with a fresh, first-of-kind new experience.

Describe the execution

Within both the Wagashi and books stores in Kyoto, the classic novel, by Ozamu Dazai, was packaged, together with the specialty Wagashi. For Japanese, the novel has a special place in their hearts, as does the tradition of Wagashi. So, when they purchased this special edition of the novel, it contained bespoke Wagashi that were specially designed and crafted to accompany specific passages of the story. When the reader arrives at the passage, the color-coded type referred to the packaging of the uniquely created Wagashi so they could be enjoyed together, enhancing the multi-sensory experience.

List the results

“Edible Literature” from Bungashi became a hot topic on SNS immediately after its release. The product became popular among Gen Z, its first run selling out within 3 weeks of its release, while being featured in over 20 media outlets earning a value of nearly US$600k, more than expected for this specialty product. More runs and more outlets are in the planning stage.

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