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Hiroshima being the first city ever to suffer atomic bombing. The non-profit organization PLAY SPACE aimed to utilize survivors' stories for peace education. However, survivors often experience trauma when recounting their stories, causing further emotional distress. To solve this issue, PLAY SPACE developed a method to care for the survivors' traumas during interviews. This enabled the collection of new episodes previously untold in Hiroshima while caring the survivors' well-being.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Hiroshima, there is a common misconception that “survivors must tell their stories”, for the sake of peace. As well as bomb survivor organizations having significant influence, and those outside the circle have few opportunities to share their stories, even if they desired to. This activation shed light on untold stories.


Seventy-nine years have passed since the Hiroshima bomb, and the survivors’ number is decreasing due to aging. PLAY SPACE, a peace education organization in Hiroshima is committed to collecting as many stories as possible to promote peace education. However, despite the survivor’s willingness to share their stories, they often experience trauma when recounting their stories. As a small non-profit organization in Hiroshima with limited resources, PLAY SPACE could not afford an extensive amount of budget. We sought a more direct and cost-effective solution to address the problem.

Describe the creative idea

PLAY SPACE has developed a handkerchief device and app that applies the knowledge of certified psychologists and therapists. By converting a handkerchief, which the elderly are accustomed to using into a device, vital data such as heart rate, skin temperature, and perspiration are acquired without causing anxiety to the elderly. The vital data is sent to the interviewer’s smartphone while the AI analyzes and detects the survivor’s mental state. The AI app will select and provide optimal questions (such as questions to calm the survivors when they are upset) or pause the interview if the individual is in an overly tense state and encourage care to recover. This system was developed in collaboration with university psychologists and therapists, incorporating advanced therapeutic techniques accessible to students and others without knowledge. Beyond the testing phase, these systems are currently in active operation.

Describe the strategy

A method has been developed to collect episodes while providing mental care to traumatized survivors. Through this system, the aim is to gather as many previously untold episodes as possible and utilize them for peace education. Additionally, with media attention for this activation, it challenges the common misconception in Hiroshima that "survivors most talk about their experiences.

Describe the execution

January 2023: Commencement of joint research with universities.

May 2023: Initiation of discussions with the survivors.

July 2023: Pre-launch of the system.

September 2023: System launch and commencement of interviews.

February 2024: Compilation of collected stories into a book, and distribution to UN.

List the results

・Interviewed more than 50 survivors and successfully collected untold stories.

・98% of the interviewees responded positively.

・Awareness of the trauma issues faced by survivors increased by 85%.

・More than 30 local companies supported the project.

・Media in Hiroshima has expressed interest in this initiative, considering an event for an exhibition of new stories in August 2024, marking the 80th year since the atomic bombing.

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