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Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation?

The work SEKIMILK created, was an altered brand experience as the bottles, which the kids interacted with on a daily basis, were changed. New illustrations (manga) were added to the bottles to create an experience within the classroom of a brand they knew.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

SEKIMILK is a local brand in GIFU prefecture in central Japan. As it produces milk in the same area where it's distributed, the company takes great care to ensure quality in its products. And it also has great concern about the community and the health of the kids in that area. Therefore, as they came to understand that the younger kids weren't getting all the nutrition they needed, they looked for a solution that would help. Milk Manga became that solution—a true win-win which brought as much happiness to the kids, and it did good nutrition.


SEKIMILK is a regional milk producer in Gifu Prefecture in central Japan. It produces fresh, wholesome milk for a variety of kinds of stores in the area, as well as schools. In the elementary schools, where milk plays an important role in providing for the children's everyday nutrition, the schools and SEKIMILK were noticing that a large percentage of the kids weren't finishing their daily bottles. So, the school system in the area, concerned about the kids' daily nutrition intake, asked SEKIMILK what they could do to have them finish their milk. The budget was minimal, and the coverage would be across the Prefecture affecting some 40 schools.

Describe the creative idea

In the case of schools in Gifu Prefecture, SEKIMILK is a strong and trusted brand for the target audience, which is the elementary schools and their students. And knowing the kids the way SEKIMILK does, the idea came about quite naturally.

Leveraging the kids' love for manga—or Japanese comics—the bottles were painted with 4 frames of comics, in white ink, so invisible when the bottles are full. Reading from top to bottom, which is how Japanese is traditionally taught to be read, the manga was revealed to the kids as they drank the milk bottles. In fact, to finish the comic strip, the kids would have to finish the bottle completely, which they gladly did.

Describe the strategy

In Gifu Prefecture, elementary schools were noticing that 65% of the children weren't drinking all the milk they were served. This led to the schools wanting a way to solve the problem of the kids not getting all the nutrition they needed.

The strategy was to solve this issue by making the act of drinking milk more fun, which is the strongest currency available in influencing 6-10-year old’s behavior.

Knowing that kids love nothing more than Japanese manga led to thinking how to connect the two. Having the manga painted in white ink on the bottle, so manga could be seen as the milk was consumed, was the real epiphany. And it came out of a strategy of "engaging fun".

Describe the execution

After conceiving of and selling the idea, the first challenge was finding the right manga artist. And then working with a printing company that could make the printing idea a reality.

The manga artist, Ami Kanzei, was the perfect choice as her background was in creating manga printing and adhering to the thick glass bottles.

The ongoing series displayed fun, fresh characters that engaged the kids with simple, entertaining storylines. The bottle printing took rounds of trial and error until perseverance paid off 6 weeks after the first attempts.

The bottles were supplied to the schools on a weekly basis, with a new story each week, keeping the kids interested and finishing their milk.

News coverage captivated Gifu prefecture, spreading the desire to bring the Milk Manga bottles to all 40 schools.

List the results

In Gifu Prefecture, after 15 weeks of distributing the Milk Manga bottles, 95% of the children were finishing all of their milk, enjoying 100% of the milk's nutrients.

In addition, the earned media value from the new coverage the Milk Manga bottles received totaled US$2 million, encouraging more schools, even beyond Gifu Prefecture to speak with SEKIMILK about supplying their schools with the Milk Manga.

Please tell us how the work was designed/adapted for a single country / region / market.

In Japan there is a strong feeling from residents in rural Japan, in places like Gifu Prefecture, that the health and living conditions of people in those areas isn't as important as those in Tokyo and the other large cities. This feeling tends to increase the local pride and bring about the desire to look after one another, which was certainly the case here with SEKIMILK looking after the children in Gifu.

One more additional piece of local single market context is that Japanese is traditionally read top to bottom. So having the manga printed on the bottle in this vertical style is natural for the Japanese kids to read.

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