Film > Online Film: Sectors


POL, Oslo / BRING / 2024


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
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Why is this work relevant for Film?

In a world where the viewer has seen everything, we had to offer them something new. This film introduces an entirely new atmosphere in the realm of advertising and humour. It's a mood that touches upon and combines many different genres. The film shows untold consumer insights delivered with an entirely new type of storytelling intended for a full length online experience. We had no references to rely on during pre-production, mood-wise. Perhaps we were bad at searching – or maybe a new reference has been created.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Advertising for logistics companies and courier services are always the same. People waiting for that one important package, a super happy delivery person who hands over the package aaaand cut, logo, generic message about how much we care about YOUR package. Maybe add a grandpa and a young child for extra sympathy.

This is the situation in the Nordic countries with both local and global giants battling it out in who can deliver the most happiness in one delivery.

Bring isn’t like your typical DHL, UPS or FedEx, nor are they like the big market leader PostNord. Bring is different, the Norwegian little brother if you will. Bring isn’t interested in playing their game, Bring wanted to shake it up a bit and earn a place in the mind of the consumer.

We set out to break the category. While the person who orders a package always is positive and longing for the delivery… their partner might not. Especially after all the wierd at-home-hobbies everyone started with during covid. What if our package is someone’s worst nightmare? What if that person tries everything in the book to sabotage our delivery? And to their great frustration, no matter how hard they try, Bring will always deliver – in one way or another. This sets us up to deliver a whole new and exciting twist in an otherwise trite and predictable category.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

In the perfect life, in the perfect house, Hugo and Sarah live – the perfect couple. In a provocatively loving climax, everything is turned upside down in a second, drastically plummeting into hell when Hugo reveals that a package of clay is on its way, as he plans to resume his sculpting hobby. Sarah frantically struggles to prevent the package from entering the home, but Brings' flexible delivery solutions put her to the test.


• Situation

Bring is a Norwegian challenger looking to take a foothold in Sweden and Denmark. Markets with huge competition from local and global challengers are anywhere from 1 to 10 times their size. Bring also has a history of dealing with large cargo transportation, and therefore they're not perceived as a package delivery company (from now on called last mile delivery service) to regular people.

However, Bring is one of few last mile delivery companies that offers many ways to deliver and has great flexibility to adapt to each and everyone’s lifestyle and situation.

• Brief

Show that Bring is a last mile delivery company and that they are the most flexible ones, the ones that gets the package to you – no matter what.

• Objectives

Increased liking

Increased market share

Increase association with Bring being perceived as a last mile delivery company

Increased sales/pickrate in checkout

Describe the Impact:

It’s still early days in the campaign, but for an unknown challenger, we think that when 10x more people choose Bring over the default choice in checkout, after only two weeks into the campaign, it is pretty awesome. We are tiny compared to the global giants. So, seeing an increase of 20% in Swedish B2C package volume within the first week the campaign aired is a new high. Denmark is seeing similar results with a 24% increase in home-delivery packages and an increase of 6.2% in total package volume. Bring have never seen an uptick like this following a campaign. We are seeing the ad being picked up by several industry outlets giving great pride within the organisation. Judging by the early results, and uptick in B2C deliveries in both markets, we can infer that the campaign has helped re-position Bring as a B2C last-mile company.

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