Film > Culture & Context


OGILVY, Bangkok / DELIGHT / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)




Why is this work relevant for Film?

Delight, a challenger in a category dominated by established competitors, broke through by leveraging cultural truths in humorous storytelling. This challenged the foundational white lie: probiotic health benefits made appealing with excessively sugary formulas.

The 'Not Very Sweet' campaign tells a unique story: 'if you really care, you don't sugar-coat.' Knowing it takes more than just an ad; it takes a rollercoaster of relatable emotions to dismantle such established ideology. Delight uses a film series, resonating with today’s generation, letting them ride a rollercoaster of deadpan humor and relatable behavior. This dismantles the sugar-coated ideology, prioritizing health subtly.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Thai and their sweetness consumption is deeply ingrained in the culture, evident in traditional cooking, with 16% of Thais claiming they add four tablespoons of sugar to their drink of choice daily. Despite rising awareness of health trends, many so-called 'healthy snack' brands are 'sweet-washing' consumers by claiming to reduce sugar. The truth is white sugar is the only one reduced, but often replaced with alternatives that have the same effect as sugar.

The Government Sector of health and hospitals have been encouraging patients to exercise better caution before consuming anything claimed to be 'low in sugar' but it has proven in the past decade that it has no significant factor in changing the sentiment of such topics – seeing as it is a topic far-reach from them, and totally new experience made appealing for consumer’s palette. Consequently, it is a challenging task for brands to genuinely reduce sweet consumption in Thailand.

While Cultured Drinking Yogurt category seeks opportunity by making it a delightful taste (with sugar) to solidifies its popularity, while maintaining a perfect spot in the health-conscious market. How does Delight and its efforts through the Not Very Sweet Campaign breakthrough in bringing about positive changes to the Thai sweetness ideology.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The couple are shouting at each other. The boyfriend forbids the girlfriend from eating sweets, which makes her angry. Then he pushes a cabinet, creating a domino effect until it hits the refrigerator, making the Delight bottle spin out in front of the girlfriend. She drinks it with a smile.

The older brother invites the younger brother to go running, but he refuses. So, he offers the younger brother a bottle of Delight to drink. Then, he kneels to draw a picture of shoes on his brother's feet, encouraging him to run on the carpet that has turned into a treadmill.

The mother and son are shouting in the car. Both are concerned about each other's health. The son offers the mother a bottle of Delight to drink. Then, he pulls the steering wheel from the mother's side to his own side. Then he drives the car away.


For over 50 years, Yakult has led Thailand's yogurt market. It's well-known for probiotics and such dominance led many consumers to purchase their products almost on autopilot, demonstrating strong brand loyalty and taste preferences. Other brands often just copy Yakult. People see these cultured drinking yogurts as a 'healthy treat,' but they don't know that these products have more sugar than fizzy drinks. This unravels the deceptive 'sugar-coating.'

Delight, a smaller brand, introduced its '0.1% sugar Probiotic Yogurt' to disrupt the market hard. It offers a real, healthier choice, especially for today's health-aware people who values authenticity and healthier choices. Delight's aim is two-fold: to cut down sugar for better health by dismantling the sugar-coated ideology amidst the clutter of sugar-washing claims in the market, and to show that genuine effort matters more than just sweet talk.

Describe the Impact:

Delight's 'Not Very Sweet’ campaign emerged triumphantly as a purposeful underdog, leveraging online platforms to achieve an impressive over 50 million impressions within a brief five-month span. Positioned as the 'Today’s Generation Choice’ of probiotic yogurt, the campaign showcased the undeniable impact of purpose-driven creativity by challenging industry giants.

Key achievements included reaching almost half of the online population (14 million), surpassing KPIs by 91%, and disrupting the dominance of established brands with a significant +7.8% growth in new recruits across the category.

Crucially, the campaign drove societal engagement by sparking conversations about 'sugar-coated products' in health discussions on social media, expanding the dialogue beyond the typically health-conscious audience. Beyond celebrating creative success, Delight's campaign encourages consumers to reassess the assumption that leading brands are always the best, emphasizing that sometimes, less sweetness (talk) is indeed better.

Please tell us about the humour insight that inspired the work.

Our film draws inspiration from the ironic humor prevalent among Thai people, where the closer our relationships, the less overt sweetness we express. We often communicate with loved ones or close acquaintances using a blunt tone, seemingly indifferent, yet every word is rooted in genuine care and a desire for the best for others. Conversely, we exhibit politeness towards those less familiar, allowing space for mutual respect.

In our films, we incorporate this irony by portraying characters engaged in seemingly heated exchanges while conveying messages of care and affection beneath the surface. The exaggerated yet surprising conclusion underscores the notion that "less sweet talk is indeed better." This deadpan mannerism, featuring characters shouting caring messages, best represents Thai humor with an everyday relatable insight. Ultimately, this aligns with the product's low sugar content and abundance of beneficial nutrients, conveying a message of love and care.

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