Innovation > Early-Stage Technology


BLKJ HAVAS, Singapore / U MOBILE / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Innovation?

Project iContact ignites innovation by ingeniously integrating facial recognition and augmented reality to empower individuals with autism. Its open-source ethos fuels a collective journey of collaboration and continuous enhancement, propelling forward the realms of healthcare and technology. Rooted in empathy, its user-centric design transcends boundaries, championing inclusivity and fostering profound societal impact.

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This project was conceived in response to the pressing need to address the challenges faced by individuals with autism in maintaining facial focus, a crucial aspect of social interaction and communication. U Mobile, as a telecommunications brand in Malaysia, recognized the opportunity to leverage its expertise and resources to develop a meaningful solution that aligns with its commitment to inclusivity and innovation. Malaysia, like many other countries, has a growing awareness of autism spectrum disorder and an increasing emphasis on fostering inclusivity and support for individuals with diverse needs. The collaboration with Olympic Special Team Malaysia reflects U Mobile's dedication to local partnerships and community engagement, highlighting its role as a socially responsible brand. The timing of the project coincides with advancements in technology, particularly the rollout of 5G networks, presenting an opportune moment to harness its capabilities for societal impact.


In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, Project iContact emerges as a beacon of innovation, harnessing advancements in facial recognition and augmented reality to address the nuanced challenges faced by individuals with autism. Within a context marked by increasing digital connectivity and accessibility, the project seeks to bridge the gap in social interaction and emotional regulation for this community. However, amidst these technological influences, considerations of data privacy, ethical usage, and regulatory compliance remain paramount. Budget constraints surely pose limitations, necessitating prudent resource allocation and creative solutions to maximize impact within financial constraints. Nevertheless, driven by a commitment to social responsibility and innovation, Project iContact navigates these complexities to deliver a transformative solution with the potential to positively impact countless lives.

Describe the idea

Project iContact pioneers a transformative solution by integrating cutting-edge technology with empathy. Through the collaboration between U Mobile and Olympic Special Team Malaysia, smart glasses become instruments of empowerment for individuals with autism. This innovative approach leverages 5G connectivity for real-time facial recognition and augmented reality, ensuring seamless interaction and responsiveness. By projecting soothing visuals around the user's face, the system aids in maintaining facial focus and reducing sensory overload. This not only addresses a critical need within the autism community but also fosters inclusivity and societal understanding. Users can personalize their experience in real-time via a user-friendly interface, promoting individual autonomy. Making the software open source encourages global collaboration, enhancing its impact and relevance. Ultimately, Project iContact epitomizes the fusion of technology, compassion, and social responsibility, delivering a profound and transformative brand experience.

What were the key dates in the development process?

August 2023: Project iContact is officially initiated, with the assembly of a multidisciplinary team comprising engineers, software developers, autism specialists, and designers. Initial planning sessions and stakeholder consultations take place to outline project objectives and timelines.

September 2023: The team conducts extensive research into the challenges faced by individuals with autism in maintaining facial focus. Market research and surveys are conducted to gather insights into user needs and preferences.

October 2023: Based on the research findings, the team finalizes the project scope and begins drafting the software development plan. Discussions on the integration of facial recognition and augmented reality technologies intensify.

November 2023: The software architecture and user interface design are finalized, laying the groundwork for the development phase. Prototyping begins to test the feasibility of integrating facial recognition and AR features.

December 2023: Software development officially commences, with a focus on building the core functionalities of the facial recognition and AR features. Development sprints are conducted to iteratively build and test the software.

January 2024: Prototype development enters the testing phase, with early versions of the software deployed for internal testing and feedback. User experience testing is conducted to ensure the software meets the needs of individuals with autism.

February 2024: The prototype undergoes rigorous testing and refinement, with feedback from users and stakeholders incorporated into the development process. Technical challenges are addressed to ensure the software functions seamlessly.

March 2024: Final adjustments are made to the prototype based on user feedback and testing results. The software undergoes comprehensive quality assurance testing to identify and resolve any remaining issues.

April 2024: The initial version of Project iContact is officially launched, marking a significant milestone in providing support for individuals with autism. User feedback is still being collected to inform future iterations and enhancements.

Describe the innovation/technology

Project iContact is a pioneering software designed to assist individuals with autism in maintaining facial focus. Leveraging facial recognition and augmented reality, it projects calming visuals around the user's face, aiding in concentration and emotional regulation. The software boasts a user-friendly interface for real-time image selection and customization.

Meticulous attention was paid to software engineering techniques, including algorithm development for facial recognition and image processing. Extensive research informed the creation of the software, ensuring it effectively addresses the unique needs of individuals with autism.

Components of the software include advanced facial recognition algorithms, real-time image processing capabilities, and customizable AR overlays. User interaction is intuitive, with simple controls for image selection and settings adjustment.

The software gradually integrates projected visuals with the real world, offering users a seamless experience. Project iContact represents a significant advancement in leveraging technology to improve the quality of life for individuals with autism.

Describe the expectations/outcome

Project iContact is poised to drive significant progress for individuals, organizations, and wider society by fostering inclusivity and empowerment for individuals with autism. In the long term, the software's ability to enhance social interactions and emotional regulation can lead to improved well-being and quality of life for users. To scale this idea, we plan to continue fostering partnerships with autism organizations and developers globally, enabling widespread adoption and continuous improvement of the software. Moving forward, the focus will be on further enhancing the software's functionality, expanding its compatibility with different devices, and conducting longitudinal studies to assess its long-term impact on users' social and emotional development. Ultimately, the goal is to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with autism, leveraging technology as a catalyst for positive social change.

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