Sustainable Development Goals > People


BLKJ HAVAS, Singapore / U MOBILE / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Sustainable Development Goals?

Project iContact contributes to several UN Sustainable Development Goals, including Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, by providing a tool to support individuals with autism in their emotional regulation and social interactions. It promotes Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by addressing the specific needs of a marginalized community and enhancing their inclusion in society. Additionally, its open-source nature fosters collaboration and innovation, aligning with Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals, by encouraging global cooperation to improve accessibility and functionality. Overall, Project iContact exemplifies how technology can be harnessed to advance social equity and well-being, contributing to an inclusive and sustainable world.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

This project was conceived in response to the pressing need to address the challenges faced by individuals with autism in maintaining facial focus, a crucial aspect of social interaction and communication. U Mobile, as a telecommunications brand in Malaysia, recognized the opportunity to leverage its expertise and resources to develop a meaningful solution that aligns with its commitment to inclusivity and innovation. Malaysia, like many other countries, has a growing awareness of autism spectrum disorder and an increasing emphasis on fostering inclusivity and support for individuals with diverse needs. The collaboration with Olympic Special Team Malaysia reflects U Mobile's dedication to local partnerships and community engagement, highlighting its role as a socially responsible brand. The timing of the project coincides with advancements in technology, particularly the rollout of 5G networks, presenting an opportune moment to harness its capabilities for societal impact.

How does this campaign fit into the overall brand objectives? How is this part of the brand's wider commitment towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

This campaign aligns closely with the overall brand objectives of promoting innovation, social responsibility, and inclusivity. As a company, U Mobile aims to leverage technology for positive societal impact, and Project iContact exemplifies this commitment. By developing a groundbreaking software solution to support individuals with autism, U Mobile demonstrates its dedication to addressing real-world challenges and enhancing the lives of its users.

Furthermore, this initiative reflects U Mobile's wider commitment towards the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, Project iContact contributes to Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being by providing a tool that aids emotional regulation and social interaction for individuals with autism, thereby improving their overall well-being. Moreover, by focusing on inclusivity and accessibility, the project aligns with Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities, as it addresses the specific needs of a marginalized community and promotes their inclusion in society.

Additionally, the open-source nature of Project iContact fosters collaboration and innovation, in line with Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals. By making the software freely available, U Mobile encourages global cooperation among developers and autism institutions, facilitating ongoing enhancements and increasing accessibility worldwide.

Overall, this campaign not only advances the brand's objectives of innovation and social responsibility but also demonstrates its commitment to making a positive impact on society. By actively contributing to the SDGs, U Mobile reaffirms its role as a responsible corporate citizen dedicated to creating a more inclusive and sustainable world through technology.


Individuals with autism often struggle with maintaining facial focus due to sensory sensitivities and communication difficulties, hindering their social interactions and emotional regulation.

U Mobile's collaboration with the Olympic Special Team Malaysia demonstrates its dedication to inclusivity, fostering innovative solutions to support individuals with autism. This year, we wanted to show how 5G capabilities can do even more.

Our main objective was to address the specific needs of individuals with autism by leveraging technology to mitigate sensory overload and communication barriers, while simultaneously showcasing the potential of the 5G network in developing meaningful solutions for people.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate and the significance of the work within this context

Project iContact stands as a testament to the power of technology in fostering inclusivity and partnership, particularly in serving individuals with autism. Within society, its significance lies in empowering marginalized communities by providing tools for social interaction and emotional regulation. By prioritizing inclusivity, the project ensures that individuals with autism have access to the same opportunities for connection and expression as their neurotypical peers. Furthermore, through its open-source model, Project iContact encourages collaboration and partnership among developers worldwide, promoting collective efforts towards addressing societal challenges. Ultimately, the project embodies a commitment to inclusivity and partnership, recognizing the importance of leveraging technology to create a more equitable and interconnected society.

Describe the creative idea

Project iContact pioneers a transformative solution by integrating cutting-edge technology with empathy. Through the collaboration between U Mobile and Olympic Special Team Malaysia, smart glasses become instruments of empowerment for individuals with autism. This innovative approach leverages 5G connectivity for real-time facial recognition and augmented reality, ensuring seamless interaction and responsiveness. By projecting soothing visuals around the user's face, the system aids in maintaining facial focus and reducing sensory overload. This not only addresses a critical need within the autism community but also fosters inclusivity and societal understanding. Users can personalize their experience in real-time via a user-friendly interface, promoting individual autonomy. Making the software open source encourages global collaboration, enhancing its impact and relevance. Ultimately, Project iContact epitomizes the fusion of technology, compassion, and social responsibility, delivering a profound and transformative brand experience.

Describe the strategy

Targeting both individuals on the autism spectrum and organizations supporting them, Project iContact's strategy is twofold. It addresses the diverse needs of individuals with autism, regardless of age, while also engaging with institutions and advocacy groups involved in their care. The approach centers on innovation, inclusivity, and collaboration. Leveraging advanced technology like facial recognition and AR, the strategy aims to provide a tailored solution that aids in maintaining facial focus. Moreover, it prioritizes inclusivity by ensuring the software's accessibility and ease of use for a wide range of users. Embracing collaboration, the open-source model encourages contributions from global developers and autism institutions, fostering ongoing enhancement and widespread adoption. By combining technology, empathy, and collective effort, the strategy aims to create a sustainable solution that not only improves the lives of individuals with autism but also promotes societal understanding and support.

Describe the execution

Implementation of Project iContact involves the development and deployment of software for smart glasses, integrating facial recognition and AR technologies. The timeline spans from initial research and collaboration to software refinement and distribution, ensuring optimal functionality and accessibility. Placement involves strategic partnerships with autism institutions, educational facilities, and advocacy groups, facilitating direct access to the target audience. Additionally, online platforms and app stores serve as distribution channels for widespread availability. The scale of execution encompasses both local and global levels, with the software being open source, inviting contributions and adoption worldwide. Continuous updates and improvements ensure scalability and relevance over time, expanding the reach and impact of the initiative. Project iContact aims to create a transformative solution that empowers individuals with autism and promotes inclusivity on a global scale.

Describe the results/impact

Project iContact's yielded impactful outcomes across various metrics. High response rates from individuals and organizations underscored strong demand for tailored solutions, while the launch film amassed over 200K views in its first week, indicative of significant consumer interest and engagement. Impressions generated through media channels amplified the initiative's reach and resonance, contributing to heightened consumer awareness about autism challenges and inclusivity. Users reported tangible behavioral improvements, including enhanced focus and reduced anxiety, attributed to the software's assistance in maintaining facial focus. Additionally, the open-source material garnered over 1000 downloads, indicating widespread adoption and community engagement in further development. Project iContact's advocacy and educational efforts effectively shaped consumer perceptions, positioning U Mobile as an innovative and socially responsible brand. This holistic approach fostered deeper connections with consumers and stakeholders, solidifying U Mobile's reputation as a leader in meaningful technological advancements with a profound societal impact.

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

Project iContact is poised to drive significant progress for individuals, organizations, and wider society by fostering inclusivity and empowerment for individuals with autism. In the long term, the software's ability to enhance social interactions and emotional regulation can lead to improved well-being and quality of life for users. To scale this idea, we plan to continue fostering partnerships with autism organizations and developers globally, enabling widespread adoption and continuous improvement of the software. Moving forward, the focus will be on further enhancing the software's functionality, expanding its compatibility with different devices, and conducting longitudinal studies to assess its long-term impact on users' social and emotional development. Ultimately, the goal is to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with autism, leveraging technology as a catalyst for positive social change.

Were the carbon emissions of this piece of work measured? For additional context, what consideration was given to the sustainable development, production and running of the work?

While carbon emissions specific to this project were not measured, sustainability was a core consideration throughout its development. Efforts were made to minimize environmental impact by prioritizing digital solutions over physical materials and optimizing energy usage in software development and operation. Additionally, sustainable practices were integrated into production processes where applicable, including the selection of eco-friendly materials and efficient manufacturing techniques. While precise measurements of carbon emissions may not have been conducted, a commitment to sustainability remains integral to the project's ethos and future endeavors.

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