Brand Experience and Activation > Touchpoints & Technology




Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation?

Impulse is a sophisticated mobile tech innovation that represents a major breakthrough in wellbeing - for the first time in history, speech therapy can now go beyond the walls of the speech specilalists' office to improve the lives of patients worldwide.

Impulse taps the in-built haptic feedback feature of Samsung's mobile and wearable device vibrometer and combines it with AI based in natural processing language to replace the crucial and missing faculty within people with speech disorders. The result is a brand experience from Samsung that solves a very real issue for over +100m people with speech disorders, augmenting human

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In most countries, speech therapy is considered outside the cover of social security, meaning millions of people cannot afford treatment.

Samsung created an accessible and free technological solution to give the full power of fluent speech and communication to not just the thoughts of 500.000 Spanish with speech disorders, (including those resulting from Alzheimer's, stroke, dementia, ALS, stuttering) but also to the many millions worldwide that are held back in life due to speech disroders.

Historically, all causes of speech disorder had been dealt with independently. However, after thorough investigation, we discovered a globally common treatment for all disorders: rhythm therapy.

More specifically, rhythm therapy is a proven speech therapy technique that stimulates pace, an unspoken and universal language we all understand from birth. In clinical conditions, therapists use an analog metronome to create a subconscious beat in the brain to improve linguistic fluency.

Impulse uses the haptic feedback of it’s mobile and wearable devices combined with sophisticated AI to replace the crucial and missing faculty within all people with speech disorders, their internal ‘metronome’ that synchronises the brain with the mouth.

This app democratizes with tech the only proven therapy patients, resulting in a fundamental change for millions ignored by national health systems.


+100m people worldwide suffer from speech disorders. And yet, at no time in history has there been a solution beyond the expensive treatment of a speech therapist.

A reality that affects millions, isolating them in the work place and in society due to the low self-confidence and ability to freely communicate caused by speech pathologies.

Brief: Samsung, as part of its Technology with Purpose program and globa mobile brand platform of ‘openness’, wanted to create an accessible solution to improve the speech of 100 million people with disorders and, in this way, touch one of the pillars of the brand: communication.

Objective: Democratize, through the use of technologies that we all have at hand, a therapy available to few. An app that takes the proven rhythm therapry method out of the specialists’ clinic and into the real world, enabling people to have an invisible speech coach on their wrists.

Describe the creative idea

Impulse is a haptic speech therapy to help people with speech disorders. An Artificial Intelligence application for Galaxy Watch and Android tab/mobile devices to free speech and give their voice back to the 1% of the world population affected by this pathology.

Through an algorithm based on Natural Language Processing, the app decodes and translates words into rhythmic vibrations allowing users to have an invisible and inaudible aid on their wrist, which helps synchronize the brain with the mouth.

This multifunction app helps users in many situations through Voice assistance, AI speech coach and Rhythm & Tone exercises, all of them based on a subconscious tempo that activates neural impulses of language.

Impulse is a digital therapy that takes users by the hand in their daily communication with their environment, giving them confidence and autonomy in any situation, no matter the language they speak.

Describe the strategy


Anyone with speech disorders, including Alzheimer's, stroke, dementia, ALS and stuttering patients, who want to improve their speaking fluency. 500,000 people in Spain alone, +100 M worldwide. 1% of total global population.


For more than 10 years, Samsung has been leading the way in transforming society through innovation and new technologies. Thoughtful and on-going societal research behind its "Technology with purpose" platform has contributed to improving the lives of many people and breaking down the barriers that separate us. Reaching, with local projects in Spain, people with dyslexia, ALS patients, young people suffering from bullying, elderly people with cognitive impairment... more than 30 local projects with an investment of +€25M have helped and improved people's lives through techno-creativity. Impulse continues this approach to further weave the Samsung brand into the fabric of local society, making Samsung the leader in its category.

Describe the execution

The execution of the idea had 5 phases

Phase 1: Development of Impulse, a digital therapy to beat speech pathologies though a haptic metronome on the wrist that translates words into rhythmic vibrations.

Phase 2: Testing of the application, designed by an international medical team (Speech Care), for +6 months on people with different speech pathologies. Impulse received a user-rating of 4.5/5.

Phase 3: Impulse received the approval of the Association of Speech Therapists of Spain & Portugal and was then launched on Google Play and Galaxy Store.

Phase 4:

Three testimonial videos were launched based on people affected by different pathologies who tell how there are words that, more than blocking their speech, have blocked their lives.

Phase 5:

Impulse is actively expanding to other countries, Now we are planning to launch in 5 new lenguages for 2025.

List the results

After more than 6 months of testing and development were carried out in Spain, Portugal, Ghana, USA and UAE, the results are extraordinary:

·Impulse has received the endorsement of the Spanish Association of Speech Therapy and the Portuguese Society of Speech Therapy.

·4.5/5 user rating proves the usefulness of the Impulse treatment, as confirmed by testimonials and evaluations from different profiles with speech disorders.

·+100 speech therapy, speech therapy and audiology professionals in Spain and Portugal are already using this digital therapy with their patients (Speechcare, Stuttering center).

·Since the launch of the app at the end of March on download platforms such as Google Play and Galaxy Store, the news generated national and international media coverage, both in general media and specialized marketing and advertising.

·Health professionals, associations and community members helped spread the news on social media with a very positive response from patients and therapists.

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