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Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Social & Influencer?

Save the Favela was made by influential artists with huge numbers in Brazilian music. Together, they have 8 billion YouTube views. Poze do Rodo with 3.8Bi YouTube views, Mc Cabelinho with 2.7Bi, Bielzin with 750M and Borges with 800M. In addition, the video music was made by KondZilla, the largest YouTube channel in Latin America, with 66M subscribers. They are the biggest rap and funk influencers in Brazil and have helped influence a change in Brazilian law for justice against police violence in the country.


Every year objects such as umbrellas, drills, cell phones and even bibles are "mistaken" for guns by police officers in Brazilian favelas. These cases only expose the structural racism and prejudice that leads police officers to shoot innocent people because they assume that everyone who lives in the favelas is a criminal. Moreover, in Brazil, the policemen themselves are the ones who judge the crimes of the policemen. This means that none of these crimes result in convictions. Our goals with Save The Favela were to show this reality that only the favela dwellers know in a raw and real way, with the intention of denouncing this violence and changing the way justice in these cases is conducted in the country.

Describe the creative idea

We created a music video based on real stories of people who died because they were in possession of objects such as drills,umbrellas,bibles,and cell phones "mistaken" for guns by police officers.The lyrics and scenes denounce the structural racism and prejudice with a real and raw aesthetic, that would make people who are not used to the reality of the favelas, feel inside that situation of violence. Our objective was to shock our spectators so that they would realize that these stories are real, not fictional, and fight for justice against police violence in the favelas. To amplify this message even more, this project was made for KondZilla,the largest YouTube channel in Latin America that has great property to talk about the reality of the favela by producing Brazilian Funk music videos and with Mainstreet that put in the project the biggest rappers in the country,who denounce this violence every day.

Describe the strategy

Rap is a musical genre originating in the favelas and the peripheries, which usually denounces police violence and portrays the reality of these communities. Because of this,nobody better to portray the real stories of people with objects "mistaken" for weapons by the police than KondZilla,the biggest YouTube channel in Latin America and Mainstreet, the biggest rap channel in Brazil,with rappers like Poze do Rodo, Cabelinho, Borges, and Bielzin who fight every day for justice in the peripheries and together have over 8 billion views.To also impact the vision of policemen and those who defend them,we also invited Andre Ramiro,famous cop in award-winning Elite Squad movie.To help change this reality of injustice, the project also called on people to pressure the authorities to approve the law ADI 5032 that defends that crimes of policemen should be judged by a common justice, like all other crimes, in an impartial and fair way.

Describe the execution

We cast real people with no acting background who experienced police oppression to bring the reality of the poor communities of Brazil to life. Favela residents were also part of the team for added authenticity. The photography was carefully balanced between realism and aesthetics. 5 real stories were shown in the video and to catch the police attention we brought Andre Ramiro, the main character of Elite Squad, one of the most famous police movies in Brazil. To spread that we used the power of Kondzilla’s channel, the largest YouTube channel in Latin America, and Mainstreet Artists.

List the results

The project succeeded in helping to push for a change in the law of the Brazilian constitution. In March 2023 the majority of the Supreme Federal Court voted that the crimes of policemen will be judged by a common justice, like all other crimes,and not by a justice formed by other policemen as it was done before this. The video clip had over 1.5 million views in one month, 3 million interactions,and 2.4 million streams.Even with a strong criticism of police violence in the country,in a moment of great polarity in Brazilian politics, 99% of the comments were positive, with the perception that the music video does not criticize the entire class of policemen,but some cases of unprepared and violent policemen.The perception of production quality in KondZilla's channel also increased,as well as the perception of the public as a channel that is engaged in social issues,especially in the favela.

Is there any cultural context that would help the jury understand how this work was perceived by people in the country where it ran?

In Brazil, before the Save The Favela music video, crimes by police officers were judged by other police officers. The project supported a law called ADI 5032 that argues that police officers should be tried by a common justice system, on a more equal basis, like all other crimes. After the release of the clip, there was pressure for ADI 5032 to be approved, and in March 2023, this reality started to change. The majority of the Supreme Federal Court voted that police crimes would be judged by a common justice, like all other crimes.

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