Sustainable Development Goals > People


BETC HAVAS, Sao Paulo / TIM TELECOM / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Sustainable Development Goals?

Have you ever wondered what it's like to feel locked at home with your abuser? TIM opened the doors of its stores, while many doors were closed to welcome victims of domestic violence. In a country of continental dimensions like Brazil, few police stations specialize in receiving these cases and many women are afraid to go to the authorities. The brand has become an ally in this fight, transforming its stores into a safe place to welcome victims, doubling the chances of reporting cases. Connecting victims to the authorities in a safe way that is not obvious to their aggressors.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The data is alarming, but few brands want to assume the responsibility of engaging in this cause.

In Brazil, ⅓ of women have experienced some kind of violence, and partners are the main aggressors. In 2023, the number of cases increased by 22%, not to mention the thousands of cases that go unreported every day. According to TIM, the fight against domestic violence is an urgent call. That's why it created a social function for t stores. Everywhere in the country, these stores have become a safe space for victims.

How does this campaign fit into the overall brand objectives? How is this part of the brand's wider commitment towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

TIM's work on ESG has been publicly recognized by organizations and entities from different areas of activity for more than a decade. Since 2019, they have collaborated to build positive business results aligned with sustainability. TIM is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and UN Women, which it joined in 2021, develops projects connected to the SDGs and recognizes the rights to data privacy, secure internet, access to information and freedom of expression as essential and non-negotiable.


To report a case of domestic violence, you don't just need courage, you need tools. Thousands of victims of violence don't feel safe to report it. In addition to physical aggression, there is psychological violence, and women's lives are controlled. In many cases, victims' cell phones are under the control of the aggressor. At TIM's Report Shops, it is possible, even before reaching a police station, to be welcomed to report a case with a safe and non-obvious journey for the aggressors. Proving that, in a country of continental dimensions like Brazil, cell phones are fundamental tools to help save the lives of thousands of victims.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate and the significance of the work within this context

For many people, being at home means being safe. For thousands of Brazilian women, it doesn't.

Every day, women suffer some kind of violence from their partners.

They are victims of threats, torture, offenses, harassment, psychological violence, physical violence, which can even end in death. Reporting cases to the authorities is not an easy task, as the partner often has total control over the victim's life and choices. To change this sad scenario, women need allies who can understand and accept their vulnerable situation.

Describe the creative idea

TIM has opened the doors of all its stores to women who are victims of violence and vulnerability. More than 2,000 employees were trained to receive complaints and welcome victims through the Mulheres Positivas project. The cell phones in the display case now have a new function: reporting to the police. The stores became a safe, non-obvious place where aggressors don't expect to be reported. The brand has created a long-term project for a problem that needs to be solved in the shortest possible time: violence against women.

Describe the strategy

Violence against women in Brazil affects all social classes: from A to E.

In order to have a broad impact, we had to create a didactic approach aimed at all women. We opted for mass media, in different types of media. As part of a long-term strategic construction, it was necessary to have consistency and credibility in the discourse. One of the campaign's main spokespeople was Ana Hickmann, one of the country's biggest presenters, who was a victim of domestic violence and was in the media spotlight for denouncing her ex-husband and aggressor. Ana’s story of one generated identification in thousands.

Credibility was fundamental for all the women to understand the stores as a place of permanent welcome for all. The project is one of the initiatives of the brand's global purpose: the fight for gender equality.

Describe the execution

TIM needed domestic violence out of silent mode. The action impacted women in different media: OOH, digital pieces, social media, events, endomarketing, direct marketing and broadcast TV. Before the initiative was implemented, the Mulheres Positivas project trained 2,000 employees on how to welcome victims. A series of changes were made at the stores: cell phones from the display case were made available for reporting, stores were signposted as a place to welcome victims, special uniforms for trained employees, even a safe room for women was created. Today, every woman, in any store in Brazil, can be assisted.

Describe the results/impact

The initiative generated a connection between people, just like TIM.The media impact amounted to 38,508MM impressions.Places to report violence against women doubled in Brazil.More than 2,000 TIM employees were trained and qualified to welcome women in situations of violence and vulnerability,at 100% of the stores in the 25 Brazilian states.In a category where social networks are used by people as a channel for complaints,we managed to turn the tables and ensure high favorability, where the average rarely exceeds 11%, reaching 98%.And one more result that is sad but real:many victims have already gone to the stores to make their complaints.In some cases,the aggressors are already facing legal action for their crimes.

From Brazil to the world.The initiative has been successfully implemented in the country and it’s beginning to expand.Italy,the country where TIM began its history,has already started hosting The Report Shops and helping save the lives of many women.

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

TIM has changed its history and that of thousands of Brazilian women. After 26 years in Brazil, the brand is using its core business for a social cause, becoming a perennial ally in the fight against violence against women. Using the technology available and humanizing relationships through its employees, the stores became points of welcome. TIM has opened its doors to close cycles of violence forever. The next step is to expand this initiative.

Were the carbon emissions of this piece of work measured? For additional context, what consideration was given to the sustainable development, production and running of the work?

TIM is part of national and international indexes that measure and prove the company's commitment to issues such as human rights, diversity, inclusion, and sustainable development, as well as the application of good governance practices in its management. The company also participates in forums and organizations that promote debates on these issues, being a proactive player that fosters positive transformations for society.

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