Entertainment > Challenges & Breakthroughs


TBWA\MEDIA ARTS LAB, Los Angeles / APPLE / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Entertainment?

"Midnight" is part of a globally orchestrated Shot on iPhone campaign centered on 3x product demonstration short films for Apple’s 3 key international markets – Japan, Mexico and China. In each of these markets, ‘camera system’ is the main driver for purchase consideration and purchase intent of iPhone. No other brand has undertaken a more organically successful and culturally impactful effort in the entertainment category this year.

For Japan, we launched the first-ever manga-to-live-action adaptation – a meticulous frame-by-frame recreation of a 1986 hidden masterpiece by ‘God of Manga’ Osamu Tezuka, directed by legendary Takashi Miike.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In a market where iPhone dominates but lags behind on upgraders, the challenge was to raise awareness and excite the nation about the new iPhone 15 camera. Crossing two major local passions, manga and film, the idea steered towards manga-to-live-action adaptation, making “Midnight” a first-ever in its genre, entirely shot on iPhone.

To create a more relevant and magnetic story, “Midnight” assembled the Avengers of Japanese talent.

Osamu Tezuka: Creator of “Astro Boy” and over 600 published works, known as the the founding father of Japanese manga culture.

Takashi Miike: One of the most important directors alive, known for his distinct style in films like “Audition” and “Ichi the Killer”.

Kento Kaku: A national superstar and lead of Netflix’s “House of Ninjas”, known for taking on unconventional projects.

Akio Otsuka: The iconic voice of anime who starred in “Ghost in the Shell”, Studio Ghibli films, and an adored Tezuka animation “Black Jack”.

“Midnight Klaxon Baby”: The end song with perfectly matching lyrics and musical attitude, by legendary band Thee Michelle Gun Elephant who pioneered the 90s rock era in Japan.

With a banger cast of local talents, the 19 minute film drove the nation wild with its breathtaking representation of Japanese culture, cementing Apple’s unique voice in the market.


The majority of Japanese smartphone users (age 18+) own iPhone. So for Apple, upgraders are key business drivers. But here’s the challenge: Most users are content with their older models. What’s the secret for them to upgrade? Camera is the killer trigger.
The objective: Reignite excitement for iPhone 15 by raising awareness of the new state-of-the-art camera system, and show users what they can achieve in a “holy shit that was shot on iPhone” way.

Describe the strategy & insight

Entertainment is big in Japan. Across the nation, there are 60M manga fans and 20M film fans consuming the content they love on a regular basis.

The strategy: tap into the intersection of these two passion points, the manga-to-live-action adaptation film.

As a regular entry in top 10 box-office rankings, creating a movie in this beloved film genre was our ticket to achieve the biggest, baddest, boldest iPhone 15 camera demo ever.

Why stop there? With huge additional fandoms for Japanese music, voice actors, celebrities and tech at our fingertips, every inch of this campaign was designed to grab the imagination of as many fan communities in Japan as possible.

Describe the creative idea

“Midnight”, the first-ever manga-to-live action adaptation exclusively shot on iPhone, brings together two titans: Takashi Miike, one of the most important directors alive, and Osamu Tezuka, the ‘God of Manga’ himself.

With the ultimate creative trifecta of Miike, Tezuka and iPhone in place, the search was on to find the perfect material. Tezuka’s 1986 hidden manga masterpiece “Midnight” had it all to become the heart of the idea and a memorable camera demo: impossible angles, a nighttime setting, exhilarating car chases, plus fast and furious frames. By showcasing iPhone-exclusive features in the high-octane world of “Midnight”, every breathtaking second of the 19 minute film pushed the boundaries of what’s possible with the iPhone 15 camera, and marked a new chapter in the locally-loved genre.

Describe the craft & execution

The best of Japanese cinema gathered on set. In addition to Takashi Miike, there was acclaimed cinematographer Nobuyasu Kita (13 Assassins) and one the greatest stars of his generation Kento Kaku (House of Ninjas) - all masters of their craft. This dream team meticulously recreated the hidden manga masterpiece frame-by-frame, with its impossible angles, noir atmosphere and dramatic changes of speed.

“Midnight" marked the debut of LiDAR. Its 3D scans were the basis of all the CGI developed - a first-ever for a Shot on iPhone campaign.

With a grand premiere, “Midnight” launched as the blockbuster it truly is, across YouTube, Apple TV, apple.com, Ameba TV (Japan’s major streaming platform) and in actual taxi screens.

From March 6th to April 3rd, media constantly dialed up excitement with posters covering the streets of Tokyo and theaters nationwide. “Midnight” even returned to 'Champion Magazine’ the original manga home published in the 80s.

Describe the results

The adrenaline-fueled spectacle drove media wild. Highjacking news shows on all the main Japanese TV channels right after launch day. Covered in over 650 articles nationally and internationally. The headlines speak for themselves. “Visually Stunning” (IndieWire). “Thrilling” (Hollywood Reporter). “Apple is on another level” (Filmmaker Magazine).

The results exceeded expectations. 50M+ views and counting. 6.5M traffic directed to apple.com and YouTube. 57K organic mentions. A reach of 6.2B, generating a whopping 51.7M USD in earned media. “Midnight” became the most shared, loved and talked about Apple campaign in Japan to date, doubling purchase intent for iPhone 15. Stores will be getting busy very soon.

Was it an over-the-top ad? Or an eccentric short film? It was certainly a piece that accelerated the brand and took people on a thrilling ride.

Please tell us about the social behaviour and cultural insight that inspired the work.

Knowing that fandom is big in Japan, the work was inspired by the idea of combining the biggest fans’ passions - Manga with 60M fans and Film with 20M fans.

Bringing the ‘God of Manga’, Osamu Tezuka, together with one of the most important directors in Japan today, Takashi Miike, deeply resonated with both fan communities alike. And making iPhone 15 part of this trifecta allowed the opportunity to create surprise and delight, with the one feature that most drives purchase consideration for upgrade: the camera system.

Finally, as TV, social and YouTube are core media to gain awareness of the new titles in Japan, creating a blockbuster film that could be watched, commented and shared was a must.

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