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Why is this work relevant for PR?

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men, yet 55% of them don't want to talk about it.

What do they like to talk about and also does all the media? Football.

In Costa Rica, since childhood, every man knows that if a lump appears on the ball, the game is over. We created The Check Ball, a ball with a lump and the steps for the self-examination.

Such was the impact of the campaign that it became the official ball for the semifinals of the 2019 national championship, one of the most talked-about events in the country.


BlueCross BlueShield was about to launch a new insurance for testicular cancer, the most common cancer in young men. But we found a problem, 55% of men don’t like to talk about this disease.

So we had to find a way to get all the right media talk about this disease.

Describe the creative idea

We used football to talk about our new insurance, but above all, to raise awareness about this issue among all men.

In Costa Rica, football is the most present sport on the media, and also on the playing fields. That’s why every kid on the pitch knew that if a lump appeared on the ball, the game was over. So men have developed an almost instinctive ability to detect them.

Based on this instinct and along with doctors, artists and Erick Marín, a professional footballer and testicular cancer survivor, BlueCross BlueShield Costa Rica created The Check Ball, a unique ball with a lump and the steps for the self-examination.

Describe the PR strategy

We relied on men's favorite sport and this instinct that has been developing for years, to talk to them about a topic that more than half of them don’t like to talk about: testicular cancer.

In the campaign we involved doctors and Erick Marín, a professional footballer and survivor of testicular cancer who is loved by the fans. To provide real and concise information, but in a less technical and more understandable way.

Describe the PR execution

The campaign didn’t have a large budget, so we decided to launch it with Erick Marín as our spokesman, to spread our message through a renowned football player and testicular cancer survivor.

We launched the campaign in the month of testicular cancer to generate more buzz, and so it did. The media immediately started to share it and the message reached thousands of people.

But the idea didn’t stop there. That same month, the semifinals of the national football tournament took place. We were clear that if we managed to enter that event in some way, the message would reach way more people, and we did it. After the noise generated at the beginning of the campaign, UNAFUT (the organization of the national championship) contacted us to make The Check Ball the official ball for the semifinals of the national tournament.

List the results

The Check Ball had such a big reception that it made national news, making Costa Rica’s favorite sport the perfect channel to remind men to check themselves. Also, in an organic way we became the official ball of the national football championship semifinals, which helped us increase the reach of the campaign.

More than $450.000 in earned media

In less than 24 hours, we got more than 140 minutes on the air.

We reached 76% of Costa Ricans?250% increase in leads for cancer insurance

And perhaps most importantly, the peak of Google searches of the year for “cáncer testicular" was during the campaign.

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