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Why is this work relevant for Media?

We found a new media where, within a dictatorship the written press could still exist. Since 2019, Nicaragua has been the only country in the world that has no written press because the regime of Daniel Ortega stole the facilities of La Prensa and kidnapped the general manager of the newspaper, causing the exile of hundreds of journalists and leaving the country without this media. Through a special edition written, edited, and published in Nicaraguan territory, we shared our social networks WhatsApp and Telegram channels throughout the country became our media to be a printed newspaper again.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The newspaper La Prensa Nicaragua is a bastion of freedom of information in the Central American country. During its almost 100 years of existence, it has resisted different ways in which the dictators of this country have tried to close it down, with arson, bombings, assassinations of its journalists and its general director. During all these years it has also managed to stay in the homes of Nicaraguans despite earthquakes of more than 7.1 degrees that left the capital in total rubble and totally devastated. The Nicaraguan Press has never ceased to circulate in all these circumstances of the country's extremely convulsive past. Many have been the attempts to close the newspaper, none has worked, until 2019.

The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega, after the social outburst that took place in the country in 2018, dedicated itself to persecute any kind of demonstration of civil rights, especially the right to information, that is why its main target was the journalists whom it declared enemies of the nation. From that moment on they were subject to harassment where their very lives were at risk under the dictatorship, causing many to resort to exile, but even the press continued to publish, it was until the imprisonment of the general manager and the seizure of the newspaper's facilities that finally a dictator managed to stop La Prensa de Nicaragua from circulating. The country became the only one in the world without a written press.


Since it can no longer be a physical newspaper due to the seizure by the dictatorship of the facilities of La Prensa de Nicaragua, so it has been hit economically and its perception among the public has diminished.

The problem is to get the newspaper La Prensa de Nicaragua to regain the cultural and social relevance it has had for almost 100 years on the day of the journalist.

The challenge is to create an action that puts us back at the forefront of information in Nicaragua and the communication of the truth, to challenge the impositions that have made it impossible for us to circulate for the last four years and make a statement to achieve a social impact to restore hope to a country that is submerged in dictatorship.

Describe the creative idea/insights

La Prensa is a newspaper by Nicaraguans for Nicaraguans, that's why on Journalist's Day we joined the country to achieve the impossible. To make a printed newspaper inside the country again.

Using the right of free navigation that Costa Rican boats have in the San Juan River of Nicaragua, Nicaraguan territory, we infiltrate a team of exile journalist in the country under the dictatorship nose, where the special edition was written, edited, and distributed after four years of not being able to do so. That the right to information in the Nicaraguan territory has been disappeared by the dictatorship.

We designed an edition that could be printed in different formats, to accommodate the different printers that Nicaraguans had at their disposal in their homes, and we distributed it through direct channels and then Nicaraguans were part of the distribution chain through WhatsApp where our edition reached thousands of people.

Describe the strategy

By taking the risk of confronting the dictatorship with information and truth, La Prensa de Nicaragua connected with an important message to all Nicaraguans, that it is still possible within the regime to confront it.

This emotional connection achieved by our action to return to our territory, with our journalists who were once expelled for fear of being arrested, tortured, or killed. It struck a chord of national sensitivity that caused our edition to be distributed organically to more people than we could reach directly.

Thus, creating a protest movement in which our newspaper was the main protagonist. Nicaraguans were able to recover their right to free information thanks to the courageous action of La Prensa journalists.

Describe the execution

We created an expectation with videos where we talked about a "return" something that for more than 1 million Nicaraguans who fled is impossible.

These videos were distributed on all our social media and created a conversation about "who" or "what" was going to return and above all how this was going to be possible.

On the journalist's day, we launched the video telling how we managed to do what we had not been able to do in years, write, edit, and distribute from our territory. We were returning the right of Nicaraguans to be informed. At the same time, in all our distribution channels we sent the file of the edition.

From then on, Nicaraguans took charge of everything, the massive distribution of this material reached hundreds of thousands of people who became part of our distribution chain and took it as a way to protest against the regime.

List the results

- We went from having zero presence for four years in the country to becoming the most shared material on the day of the journalist by Nicaraguans and creating a chain movement that distributed our special edition everywhere.

- 350k direct impacts in the first hour.

Visits to the website went up 120% the first two days after the action.

- We went from having 0 printing room to having thousands all over the country.

- Hundreds news outlet cover the action earning more than $500,000 in PR.

- The people of Nicaragua took back the spirit of resistance thanks to our edition by uploading their social networks as a symbol of protest. The first mass protest since 2019.

How is this work relevant to this channel?

Because we found a new way of printing in the country in the world where there was no written press until we intervened. By making available a edition edited and published in Nicaragua, Nicaraguans felt inspired to be a means of dissemination in which they could communicate challenging the dictatorship with the security of their personal WhatsApp and Telegram contacts. Not only did we create a newspaper, but a movement that was the first protest in four years that was achieved without casualties from the dictatorship. We went from having 0 printing room to having thousands all over the country.

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