Film > Culture & Context


VML, Mexico City / MOVISTAR / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Supporting Content
Case Film
Supporting Content




Why is this work relevant for Film?

"This is not a game" addresses a very serious issue in Mexico that few talk about and even fewer provide solutions for: child recruitment from video games by organized crime.

The 7-minute film tackles a sensitive topic but is narrated in an appealing gamer language aimed at the 81.4% of the population who play on mobile devices. Based on real events, it constructs a story in which any underage individual could be exposed, endangering their life or ending up becoming hitmen.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

It's very easy to remain incognito in online video games, and anyone can pretend to be someone else for purposes that can harm minors.

In Mexico, 81.4% of gamers play on mobile devices. Thousands of children are being recruited through mobile video games to join organized crime. These children become easy prey, being contacted through the most popular and widely played games like GTA, Free Fire, among others.

Movistar Telecom is a socially responsible brand in the digital environment, concerned about providing gamers with a safe space. That's why we created an online video game film to connect and deliver a message based on real events.

Today, the danger is no longer just on the streets; it's on our mobile devices.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

This video film follows a gaming narrative that tells the story of Babu, a teenage gaming enthusiast who lives with his father, a police commander. He spends all his time playing games on his smartphone. One day, he is contacted by an incognito player named "El Perro," who offers him a smartphone.

When he meets "El Perro," Babu is recruited.

As days pass, he is given the mission to monitor a weapons sale operation. However, they are caught by the police. Amidst the shootout, the protagonist flees the scene.

Running through an abandoned factory, he encounters a police officer blocking his path. Babu turns around and points his gun, only to realize that the officer is his father. At this moment, the story takes a shocking turn. We discover that the police officer is indeed his father. Now, everything shifts from being a video game to depicting a harsh reality.



In Mexico, the recruitment of minors by criminal groups through mobile video games is a growing issue. The lack of awareness about this problem makes millions of children even more vulnerable, as they are exposed to being contacted by dangerous cartels that can now easily enter the gaming world and deceive them.


Gamers are exposed to situations that compromise their safe digital environment. We need a campaign that truly connects with gamers, showcasing and contributing meaningfully to raising awareness and interest about the dangers within video games.


To speak and connect in the codes and language of an audience that is gamers and uses their cell phones for entertainment. To make them see that recruitment is not a game but a real problem. To clarify that Movistar Telecom, as a socially responsible company, will always ensure the cybersecurity of its users.

Describe the Impact:


+ 23 millions of views across platforms in 2 weeks.


More than 34 million users were impacted across different platforms.

Even representatives from the UN/UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) approached us to continue working together.

2 million hours in social media in 2 weeks.


A 7-minute piece that managed to connect with our audience thanks to its entertaining and impressive narrative.

Change in behaviour.

Searches for parental control increased by 67%.

Brand perception

87% sentiment positive.

Achievement against objective

The initial goal was to achieve a total of 22 million views, which were surpassed in just 2 weeks.

Please tell us about the social behaviour and cultural insight that inspired the work.

For Movistar Telecom, it wasn't just about providing telecommunications services; their business expanded into gaming. That's why they had a very clear purpose: to take care of their community at all times, to stand by their side ensuring cybersecurity, promoting healthy gaming, and creating safe spaces free from danger.

In Mexico, drug trafficking has a significant cultural impact; its level of influence, violence, and danger make it part of daily life. Despite this, entertainment media have glorified this criminal figure, including in video games. What happens when we make them part of a game where we reveal the true danger they could face by ignoring the new ways in which drug trafficking operates to recruit thousands of children? If organized crime entered the game, so did our message.

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