Cannes Lions



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NASDAQ has been extremely successful over the last few years using the very broadcast media of TV to talk to a relatively small target audience. Whilst this meant a lot of wastage, it also allowed NASDAQ to establish itself very quickly as a major global player.

The next stage of NASDAQ’s communication strategy, within the current recessionary climate, was to consolidate the activity by focusing more firmly on the key decision-makers across Europe.

Therefore the message strategy remained the same, despite the more focused audience: continue to establish NASDAQ as a major player amongst global stockmarkets. However NASDAQ were unable to refresh their creative execution due to budgetary constraints. MPG proposed an ingenious solution for NASDAQ to maintain its focused messaging strategy. MPG recommended to NASDAQ that they maintain their television strategy but in a more focused way. We selected two media partners that were core to European business professionals, Bloomberg and CNBC.

We developed a media strategy that provided NASDAQ a high frequency television campaign, running on average 10 times per day over a 16 week period campaign period. MPG recommended that we refresh the message by developing NASDAQ Factboards, in conjunction with Bloomberg and CNBC, which were then used through the line with our media partners.

The NASDAQ Factboard was a hybrid of a billboard, a vignette, and a traditional 30” spot, which informed the audience authoritatively of a surprising fact about the NASDAQ. For example, NASDAQ trades more than London and New York Stock Exchanges combined.

Each fact demonstrated NASDAQ’s size and importance as the world’s biggest stock exchange and were inexpensively produced by the channels themselves and delivered more of an endorsement to their audience than a traditional spot or vignette ever could. MPG realized that NASDAQ needed to refresh their creative executions to take their communications strategy to the next level in order to reach key European decision-makers. NASDAQ was grappling with market perceptions fixated on the London and New York stock exchanges, despite NASDAQ’s size and strength.

The team at MPG suggested an ingenious idea, designed to circumvent their budgetary constraints, by creating a series of ‘Factboards’, produced by, and shown, on Bloomberg TV and CNBC. The factboards in effect act as an endorsement of NASDAQ by both TV channels. MPG recognized that both Bloomberg and CNBC, with their programming bias towards the senior financial community, were the perfect platforms from which to launch NASDAQ’s new campaign. By working with these partners, MPG persuaded them to produce ‘factboards’ that complemented existing creative NASDAQ executions, but didn’t cost anything to produce.


MPG realized that NASDAQ needed to refresh their creative executions to take their communications strategy to the next level in order to reach key European decision-makers. NASDAQ was grappling with market perceptions fixated on the London and New York stock exchanges, despite NASDAQ’s size and strength.

The team at MPG suggested an ingenious idea, designed to circumvent their budgetary constraints, by creating a series of ‘Factboards’, produced by, and shown, on Bloomberg TV and CNBC. The factboards in effect act as an endorsement of NASDAQ by both TV channels.

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