Design > Brand-building


HAPPY F&B, Gothenburg / WINE MECHANICS / 2019

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Wine Mechanics is Sweden's first urban winery. The site includes a complete production facility plus a wine bar and eatery. Swedes are no strangers to grape-based beverages. Real insight into winemaking, however, is still the domain of the few. Wine Mechanics is on a mission to change that by offering a venue where it's possible to gain first-hand knowledge in a convivial atmosphere. Our brief was to create a name and a visual identity.

Describe the creative idea

Our aim was to liberate Wine Mechanics from its shackles—by explaining that you can make great wine just about anywhere. Even in an industrial estate. The name was a natural first step, signifying dedication, engineering and craftistry. A few well-chosen design elements tie it all together, creating the ideal vessel for each product to express its own distinctive character. The target group is a wide range of consumers who are dedicated to food and drink.

Describe the execution

The visual identity is inspired by engineering and craftistry—not least through the nut shaped logotype. The overall feeling is robust and genuine, with a rustic and tactile choice of materials (wood, wax, sheet metal). The graph paper pattern emphasizes the meticulousness of the production process. Most important of all is the product itself—the wine bottles. The visual identity allows for great variety in naming and motifs on the labels. A creative design, often based on illustrations, creates an expression far from the conservative.

List the results

Wine Mechanics have been open to the public for less than a year, but have caught a lot of attention among foodies, in food & drink magazines and communities. Wine Mechanics' products are now also available through state-run Systembolaget.