Film > Culture & Context


ISLA REPUBLICA, Buenos Aires / H2OH / 2024


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Film?

To launch the new H2Oh! Still in Argentina we wanted to portray, in a humorous way, an insightful characteristic of people in this country. To tell an anecdote they make an exaggerated amount of gestures with their hands. Yes, Argentinians are very histrionic due to their Italian inheritance. And we all know that this doesn't go well if you have a carbonated beverage in your hands at that moment. The film helped us build te funny tension we were aiming for and the local characters and situations we needed to generate identification and relevance.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

62% of Argentinian population descend from Italians. The population feels very represented and identified with Italian culture. Argentinians inherited from Italians their way of expressing and living; they are loud, passionate and maybe even a bit exaggerated. They are proud of being that way, they laugh at it, and it is part of their DNA.

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

The film portrays Argentinian’s way of telling stories: histrionic and passionate. We cannot deny their Italian legacy when it comes to the way they express. In the film we see different situations where a protagonist tells a story with great enthusiasm, moving their hands widely to add emphasis. Are they speaking about something outrageous? Not really, but Argentinian's put a lot of passion even to the meaningless anecdotes.

Meanwhile, there is one detail that their audiences cannot ignore. The storytellers are holding an H2OH! In their hands and the tension increases as everyone becomes afraid of the explosion that will occur if the bottle is opened. We all know that if you shake a carbonated beverage, it can create a big mess. But there is something they don’t know: this is the new H2OH! Still, without gas, so that people can gesticulate and move their hands freely while holding it!


The objective was to launch the new H2OH! Still in Argentina, raising awareness of the new product, creating an emotional connection with the audience. This was a local campaign, for a country in which H2OH! had formerly communicated in a very Argentinian way, to generate relevance in consumers. For years the brand found a way to communicate functional attributes by connecting them with cultural features of the country. But, for some years now, the brand had lost that tradition, and this launch was the perfect opportunity to regain that emotional connection with Argentinians. There was, also, a new challenge of positioning this beverage in other demand spaces. H2OH! has always been known as an ideal beverage for meals due to their small amount of gas. But now, the still version was perfect to have at meals, with friends or family but also on the go.

Describe the Impact:

H2OH! achieved a strong potential in the short term with emotional engagement and building on purchase uplift, with chances to connect the category drivers. Compared to the former brand campaign, “gesticulates” achieved a higher potential to drive a positive impact toward the audience in the short and long term.

Reach: 42.014.681

Views: 49.586.480

Engagement: 2,37% (Engagement rate)

Change in Behaviour: Brand perception: 55% Creative Brand Impact (+24 points vs previous execution)

Achievement against objectives: 81% Creative Sales Impact (+22 points vs previous execution).

Please tell us how the work was designed/adapted for a single country / region / market.

H2OH! has historically engaged with Argentinian culture in its local communications building a strong emotional connection with their target. But, in the last years this locality was lost. So, for the launch of H2Oh! Still, the challenge was to recover that tone and emotion, by creating a campaign focused specifically on this country, its people and their representative insights.

The first observation was on the product itself. Argentinians assume that H2Oh contains gas because it was one of the first to launch and the only one which was lightly carbonated. Then, we based the story on a local insight: Argentinians are exaggerated and histrionic, they speak very different to the rest of Latin Americans. Also, the different vignettes portray very local and popular situations in Argentina. Gatherings with empanadas, football club buffet, Buenos Aires bus stops and the typical Sunday family lunch where conversations are funny and relatable.

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