Outdoor > Ambient & Experiential


DM9, Sao Paulo / CONSUL / 2024


Silver Cannes Lions
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We took our idea to one of the most celebrated kinds of outdoor experiences: football games in Brazil.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Brazil is obsessed with football. Some of the most talented players of all time are Brazilian and Brazil became a country where the richest teams in the world, usually based in Europe, go to find new talent, offering big sums of money that the local football clubs can't compete with. In order to try and retain talent and pay similar salaries to the players, the Brazilian football teams turned to more and more sponsorship deals. The sponsorship deals kept adding logos and brands to the football jerseys, ruining the traditional club kits that now look like moving billboards. This has become a ridiculous situation and a point of sadness for football club fans that can't recognize their teams jerseys anymore.


Situation: Brazilian football teams can't compete with the salaries offered by european and Saudi clubs, making it harder and harder to keep their players. The Brazilian clubs turned to more and more sponsorship deals to raise money, but that came at a cost, as more and more logos and brands were added to the teams jerseys. The famous Santos, where Pele played for his entire career carries 11 logos on its once all white team kit. This is the norm to all Brazilian clubs.

Brief: The brief was to promote Consul Washing Machines and show that the brand knows how to take care of the clothes Brazilian care most about - football jerseys.

Objectives: Consul wanted to consolidate itself as a brand that understands how to truly take care of the clothes Brazilians care the most about, increasing brand love and generating conversation around its new line of washing machines.

Describe the Impact:

Placement: Every game of the championship is televised both in open and paid TV, but the sponsorship deal also harnessed an enormous amount of earned media as it ignited the interest and passion from fervorous fans.

Community Building: We showed our understanding of football fans by giving them what they want the most: seeing their favorite team's jersey with no logos or brand interference. This was our approach to gain notoriety and fan love. This is how we promoted our line of washing machines, by cleaning football jerseys from the stain of logos and brands on the revered jerseys.

Business Impact: We had an 700% increase on brand mentions in social media in January and an 8% increase in washing machine sales compared to the same period the year before.

Impressions: 7,000,000 impressions

Consumer Awareness: We reached a 58% consumer awareness within the target

Brand Perception: 87% positive brand perception

Write a short summary of the ambient work.

We turned to a sponsorship deal in order to promote our washing machines. But we turned to a new kind of sponsorship deal. We bought every space on the jerseys of some of the most traditional football clubs in Brazil and cleaned them, by getting rid of every brand logo that was on those jerseys and returning them to its original form where the team kits had not outside interference. Juventus and Ponte Preta played their games at the league without any interference on their beloved club kits, for 20 A league games, that were both played in front of large live crowds and also shown on both open and paid TV.

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