Outdoor > Culture & Context


DM9, Sao Paulo / BURGER KING / 2024


Silver Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

Because it transformed an island into the way to advertise Burger King's main differentiation point to the competition.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

To reinforce its positioning of "Cooked with fire" and to bring heat to the competition, we activated our loyal Burger King and Whopper fans and invited them to storm google maps to change the name of an island named McDonalds.

Burger King has a clear market differentiation: our burgers are cooked with fire. The competition's isn't. So in order to leverage and remind Brazilians of our main feature we turned to one of people's favorite topics: a good, healthy, fun controversy. And Brazilians love a good controversy. So do we.


The brief was to present Burger King's credentials of real food, cooked with real fire, and point out that the main competition (McDonald's) isn't.

The objective was to engage our fan base - and anyone who loves to make fun of McDonald's - to post on google maps that Burger King's food is better than McDonald's.

We found a real island in the middle of the Indian Ocean with an active volcano, that ironically is named McDonald's, to point out that a place with real fire can't be a McDonald's.

With that at the center of our message, we invited people to storm to the island's location on Google Maps and use #WhopperIsland in order to challenge the name of that place and by doing so winning a coupon with R$15 discount on a whopper on orders using the Burger King app.

Describe the Impact:

Impact: We transformed our main point of differentiation into a widely reported topic generating an enormous amount of earned media while also generating an enormous amount of sales.

Reach: While the campaign was aimed at the Brazilian market, the tone of the idea made the campaign travel and become news globally. We had 3,643 people claim and use the coupons from #WhopperIsland on the purchase of whopper combos on the Burger King app.

Engagement: Nearly 4, 000 coupons were claimed. At the time of this writing 3,646 people actually used the coupons and bough whopper meals on the burger king app. While another 11,000 people left their comments on google maps at the location of the now former McDonalds island and now fully renamed Whopper Island.

Brand Perception was widely seen as positive, irreverent and the idea was seen as absolutely on brand for Burger King.

Please tell us about how the work challenged or was different from the brands competitors.

The point of the campaign was literally to reinforce our point of differentiation to our main competitor McDonalds. Burger King's main point of differentiation is that we serve real food cooked with real fire. This initiative used humor to point out that McDonalds doesn't cook with fire while Burger King does. We recruited our fan base to change the name of an island named McDonalds to be named Whopper Island using the only argument we need: A place with real fire can't be a McDonalds. A place with real fire can only be a Burger King.

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