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Buying tickets to a concert has become a nightmare. Tickets cost thousands of dollars, fans have to wait online for hours, and then the site crashes. The Taylor Swift ticket fiasco is the best example.

This is all caused because one company, Ticketmaster, controls 70% of all concert venues, holding an illegal monopoly.

The strategy behind this campaign mixed fan’s rage on TikTok with their love for new bands and music while harnessing their passion for political action, inspiring them to contact their senator to disband this illegal monopoly.

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This campaign from the Fan Fairness Coalition helped create a grassroots effort with over 75,000 letters sent from fans to the US Congress. In February, the Department of Justice (DOJ) launched an antitrust investigation of Ticketmaster.


In 2010 Ticketmaster and Live Nation merged, forming a monopoly that owns 70% of all live music venues. Leaving fans with no alternatives despite Ticketmaster's poor service and overpriced tickets.

The Fan Fairness Coalition (FFC) is a lobbying organization that works to protect fans' rights to a fair ticketing experience. They provide resources to help fans make their voices heard.

Describe the strategy & insight

The strategy behind this campaign mixed fan’s rage on TikTok with their love for new bands and music while harnessing their passion for political action, inspiring them to contact their senator to disband this illegal monopoly.

Describe the creative idea

Buying tickets to a concert has become a nightmare. Tickets cost thousands of dollars, fans have to wait online for hours, and then the site crashes. The Taylor Swift ticket fiasco is the best example.

This is all caused because one company, Ticketmaster, controls 70% of all concert venues, holding an illegal monopoly.

Describe the craft & execution

We worked with TikTok Influencers to introduce our band to major fanbases on TikTok, such as Swifties, BTS Army, and The Stylers. We launched an album with original songs like "Puppet Fan," and "Ticket Servant," each with its own music video as well as a mockumentary that narrated the band's evil story.

Each TikTok video ended with a call to “Break Up The Monopoly”, with a direct link to send an email to congress.

Describe the results

30 Million Views, over 75,000 letters sent to Washington, and 38 Million Media Impressions. On April 17, 2024, the Department of Justice sued Ticketmaster/Live Nation.