Entertainment > Branded Content


VML, London / COCA-COLA / 2024


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Entertainment?

Christmas Movies are at the centre of many families' Christmas traditions. Movies which have for decades featured Coca-Cola. This Christmas, to develop Coca-Cola’s relationship with Hollywood and holiday movies further, they made their own. Putting Coca-Cola at the core of the narrative in ways which enabled the product to open up the story, rather than simply feature within it. In doing so, Coca-Cola put Christmas entertainment that families were actively searching for, right in the place they were actively searching. Amazon Prime.

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In 2023, the world had lost touch with the meaning of Christmas. The distractions and expectations of the season had taken over, leaving little room for the magic that once defined it. Coca-Cola, the brand that popularised the icon of Christmas. Santa Claus set out to regain synonymity with the season by reminding the world what Christmas is all about; kindness.

Coca-Cola set out to inspire their audience to reimagine how the qualities of Santa could show up in unexpected places. Beginning with the Holiday Movie Coca-Cola showed that the act of selfless giving isn’t reserved for the big man in red and white. By streaming a tale of selfless giving from an entirely unexpected source directly into the living rooms of their audiences this Holiday season, Coca-Cola showed that there is a Santa in each of us.

Describe the strategy & insight

There are few brands synonymous with Christmas as Coca-Cola, and even fewer held in the hands of billions while watching a Christmas special. By positioning ourselves within the world of Amazon Prime, where our audience was already seeking festive entertainment, Coca-Cola embarked on a daring quest to rekindle holiday magic through entertainment.

In our wider campaign, The World Needs More Santas, we show that we are all Santas in our own ways, everyone can be Santa. In Entertainment, we stretch the imagination by showing Santa is in all of us, no matter where our worlds may be. By showing Santa as a grumpy man in a storybook narrative, we urge our audience to break the stereotypes of where Santas comes from, helping everyone realise that the Santa spirit of kindness resides in each of us, in most unexpected ways.

Describe the creative idea

In 2023, Coca-Cola set out to spark a global movement inviting people to tap into the inner Santa of everyone around the world. Their mission was to show that in a world which needs more Santas, you can in fact find a Santa anywhere.

In pursuit of this, Coca-Cola expanded the traditional approach of advertising into the world of entertainment. With its long-standing relationship with Hollywood Coca-Cola took this insight and brought Santa-like kindness to life in unique places and spaces.

Describe the craft & execution

Coca-Cola has a long-standing relationship with Hollywood, having played a role in hundreds of Box Office hits over the years. So, what better place than the world of movies to bring to life further the 2023 campaign of ‘The World Needs More Santas’. Playing on that existing relationship with movies, Coca-Cola created its own Hollywood-inspired story. Drawing on cinematic influences close to the audience's heart to create a brand-new Christmas narrative which shows the kindness of Santa in a whole new light.

Describe the results

Our work reached 178 million people worldwide through FreeVee, where 1.2% clicked on them—5x higher than other beverage ads.

Amazon ads for entertainment made people watch 60% more than last year’s films, leading to double the sales in the US, 13% boosted sales in Mexico and 8% in Brazil.

In the US, Mexico, and Brazil, our Christmas films brought in $13.7 million incremental Coke sales, with 17% more people buying and 46% more revenue made from those who saw the ads. People really enjoyed the experience, rating it 7.7 out of 10, which is 8% better than last year.

For young people (Gen Z), our entertainment ads made them like Coke 3% more, beating the industry standard by 10x. Fulfilling our entertainment ambition to reach Gen Zs.

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