Entertainment > Branded Entertainment




Gold Cannes Lions
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Branded content is still a rare sight in the German advertising landscape, especially on TV it is almost non-existent. That's the reason why this live marketing campaign marks a revolution in German advertising. Live branded content across all media channels that is able to fascinate, involve and activate new and existing customers in a high scale performance like The Rabbit Race has done has never been achieved in Germany, if not even Europe.


The Rabbit Race was a revolutionary twist to an otherwise dull 5% discount sales promotion, that created tons of enjoyable branded content, turning the biggest German entertainment electronics retailer to biggest live entertainer over night.

For three months we trained 10 adorable bunnies to race each other in a live TV studio, anchored by a famous German sports commentator.

Customers, who shopped at Media Markt prior to the three broadcasted races could win back 50% of their money, if the bunny's racing number matched the number on their receipt.

This sports themed live marketing campaign was broadcasted on the 9 biggest private TV station in Germany at prime time and online on the YouTube homepage, Bild.de (website of Germanys biggest newspaper) and MediaMarkt.de

And with every race, more people were driven into the stores to take part in the game.

The goal was to offer funny and surprising entertainment first and thereby activate the customers to take part by shopping on a race day. The whole campaign was teased up front as a major sports event and was enjoyable to watch regardless of the weaved in sales promotion, leading to great awareness and activation without being perceived as advertising in the first place.


The campaign was teased up front as a sports event and was framed in reports, portraits of the bunnies, press conferences and behind-the-scenes material on social media and TV.

The event activated customers to shop at Media Markt first, then drew them in front of a TV screen to get fascinated by our highly attractive branded content. The receipt served as a betting slip, that in case of a win had to be traded for 50% voucher at the store, creating another need for a purchase. The campaign created multiple activational impulses on three occasions in just one stroke.

As we aired only the 2 Minutes race live on tv, the audience could see more content (reports, interviews eg) on the online channels and live banners as well as „direct interaction“ with the rabbits on our social media channels.


21 Mio. live viewers.

+ 250 Mio. overall campaign net reach.

+18.2% customer increase

+250% interaction and +40% more followers on facebook

+ 208% more followers on Twitter.

- #OsterhasenRasen generated roundabout 6.3 mio. twitter impressions.


The Rabbit Race turned Media Markt from biggest German entertainment electronics retailer to biggest entertainer over night, creating a never before seen and revolutionary live marketing event that Media Markts target group enjoyed to watch, follow and share.

The Rabbit Race

A content format broadcasted live at prime time, on the 9 biggest German private TV stations , as well as online on YouTube's frontpage, Bild.de (Germany's biggest online newspaper) and MediaMarkt.de.

The whole campaign was teased up front as a sports event that was framed in reports, portraits of the racing bunnies, press conferences and behind the scenes material on social media and TV to become earned media content everybody enjoys watching and participating in.

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